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The Plus1 channels (channels that normally broadcast the main channels one hour behind and which Trackside Premier is broadcast on) are all broadcast in standard definition rather than high definition to save data and allow them to fit more channels in.
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Ellerslie R10 (10 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 1 Tardelli Michael McNab 2.20 1.40 12 Romilly Kelly Myers 3.10 2 Class Blake Shinn 1.70 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,12 11.60 Tardelli! Who can forget that goal in the 1982 World Cup final!? NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Basil Brush 36.00 1317.80 10/12 Hall 36.00 1206.20 4/12 Ohokaman 36.00 962.80 9/12 Gubellini 106.00 960.00 1/12 Sayer 0.00 894.20 2/12 Lucasduke 17.00 860.20 1/10 Jack 36.00 802.20 10/11 Pheroz 36.00 789.20 2/10 Montydrum 0.00 740.60 2/10 BB Insider 36.00 713.00 2/9 Kiwignome 48.00 550.60 9/10 Say No More 72.00 526.00 2/10 Arjay 0.00 525.00 8/12 Chestnut 31.00 505.00 9/12 BB Scooby 17.00 505.00 1/11 BB Koriokaramea 0.00 459.00 2/10 Peter RS 0.00 459.00 10/12 BB Jayar 53.00 439.60 10/12 BB Pure Steel 106.00 437.00 9/12 BB Kloppite 0.00 430.00 2 Al Feilding 36.00 423.60 10/11 BB Aaron 17.00 417.20 10/12 Reacher 36.00 410.40 11/12 BB Von Cettes 0.00 404.00 1 Majestic 53.00 399.00 4/12 Maximus 72.00 384.00 1/7 Blaird 53.00 376.00 9/12 Ponderosa 72.00 374.00 10/12 Black Kirrama 0.00 360.40 2 Dogzstar 36.00 359.20 8/12 BB Canterbury Man 36.00 344.20 10/12 Winner69 72.00 340.00 3 Pete Lane 36.00 314.20 10/12 Joan 0.00 310.00 12 BB Richie 53.00 289.20 1/12 BB Pak Star 36.00 288.20 9/11 Foxmerts 17.00 262.00 9/12 BB Seakem 0.00 260.00 2 Kilcoyne 0.00 242.60 3/12 Pegasus 53.00 239.20 10/12 BB Manfield 36.00 235.40 1/5 Floyd Pink 17.00 217.20 4/12 Seddon 36.00 199.40 2/12 Alf 0.00 189.00 1/12 Houlahan 36.00 159.00 2/11 BB Mr gee 31.00 108.00 1/2 -
By Pam Robson · Posted
Well done to all with Willydoit great training performance I for one got it wrong….. congrats -
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Randwick R6 (9 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 6 Jedibeel Tyler Schiller 9.00 2.60 10 Kimochi Nash Rawiller 1.60 9 I Am Me James McDonald 1.40 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 6,10 19.10 Basil gets a little bit of a break on Hall. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Basil Brush 130.00 1281.80 1/3 Hall 14.00 1170.20 1/9 Ohokaman 30.00 926.80 1/9 Sayer 16.00 894.20 9 BB Gubellini 170.20 854.00 1/2 BB Lucasduke 232.00 843.20 2/5 Jack 14.00 766.20 1/9 Pheroz 30.00 753.20 1/9 Montydrum 60.00 740.60 9/10 Insider 14.00 677.00 1/9 Arjay 30.00 525.00 9/10 Kiwignome 340.40 502.60 2/12 Scooby 0.00 488.00 2/9 Chestnut 14.00 474.00 4/12 Koriokaramea 116.00 459.00 3/9 Peter RS 0.00 459.00 9/10 Say No More 32.00 454.00 1 Kloppite 32.00 430.00 10 Von Cettes 60.00 404.00 10 Aaron 14.00 400.20 2/9 Al Feilding 16.00 387.60 1/9 Jayar 30.00 386.60 1/2 Reacher 14.00 374.40 1/5 Black Kirrama 28.00 360.40 5 Majestic 14.00 346.00 1/2 Pure Steel 116.00 331.00 1/2 BB Dogzstar 170.20 323.20 1/10 Blaird 28.00 323.00 1/2 Maximus 130.00 312.00 1/10 BB Joan 32.00 310.00 9 Canterbury Man 14.00 308.20 1/5 Ponderosa 14.00 302.00 1 Pete Lane 14.00 278.20 1/9 Winner69 232.00 268.00 1 Seakem 28.00 260.00 3 Pak Star 14.00 252.20 1/9 Foxmerts 0.00 245.00 2/10 Kilcoyne 14.00 242.60 5/10 Richie 14.00 236.20 1/2 Floyd Pink 14.00 200.20 2/9 Manfield 0.00 199.40 1/5 Alf 14.00 189.00 4/10 Pegasus 30.00 186.20 1/2 Seddon 0.00 163.40 1/3 Houlahan 28.00 123.00 1/4 Mr gee 0.00 77.00 9/12 -
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Ellerslie R9 (8 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 4 Willydoit Mick Dee 3.70 1.90 1 Thedoctoroflove Daniel Moor 2.40 11 Golden Century Ryan Elliot 6.30 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,4 21.30 Results are slow coming through with the world pools. Next race at Randwick has already been run and won. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Hall 0.00 1156.20 1/9 Basil Brush 0.00 1151.80 6/9 Ohokaman 56.00 896.80 9/10 Sayer 0.00 878.20 3/10 Jack 56.00 752.20 1/9 Pheroz 0.00 723.20 9/10 Gubellini 24.00 683.80 6/10 Montydrum 0.00 680.60 9/10 BB Insider 56.00 663.00 8/9 Lucasduke 0.00 611.20 1/6 BB Arjay 0.00 495.00 9/10 Scooby 0.00 488.00 2/3 Chestnut 24.00 460.00 2/9 Peter RS 56.00 459.00 3/8 Say No More 24.00 422.00 10 Kloppite 48.00 398.00 10 Aaron 112.00 386.20 1/9 Al Feilding 56.00 371.60 3/10 Reacher 24.00 360.40 1/9 Jayar 24.00 356.60 9/10 Von Cettes 112.00 344.00 9/10 BB Koriokaramea 0.00 343.00 3/6 Black Kirrama 48.00 332.40 9 Majestic 0.00 332.00 3/9 Blaird 0.00 295.00 3/9 BB Canterbury Man 0.00 294.20 1/9 Ponderosa 48.00 288.00 5/9 Joan 0.00 278.00 10 Pete Lane 112.00 264.20 1/9 Foxmerts 56.00 245.00 2/4 Pak Star 0.00 238.20 3/9 Seakem 0.00 232.00 9 Kilcoyne 0.00 228.60 3/9 Richie 56.00 222.20 2/9 Pure Steel 0.00 215.00 3/6 Manfield 0.00 199.40 1/4 Floyd Pink 0.00 186.20 3/9 Maximus 24.00 182.00 6/9 Alf 24.00 175.00 3/9 Seddon 0.00 163.40 1/3 BB Kiwignome 0.00 162.20 6/10 BB Pegasus 0.00 156.20 9/10 Dogzstar 0.00 153.00 6/10 Houlahan 0.00 95.00 9 Mr gee 24.00 77.00 1/4 Winner69 0.00 36.00 6 -
Cheers Hokey. Gawd the picture quality is rubbish compared to the main channel. Delivered mainly for streaming on phones perhaps? But rubbish on the big screen. I switch back for the actual races.
Sam Spratt obviously saving her energy for today Gruff. Hope you followed up and got plenty 🤣
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Ellerslie R8 (7 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 8 Damask Rose Blake Shinn 5.20 1.50 1 Evaporate Mick Dee 1.20 3 Checkmate Kevin Stott 3.50 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,8 7.50 Hall and BB going neck & neck out front. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Hall 102.00 1156.20 2/3 Basil Brush 94.00 1151.80 2/3 BB Sayer 12.00 878.20 2/6 Ohokaman 12.00 840.80 4/5 Pheroz 188.00 723.20 5/6 Jack 35.00 696.20 4/6 Montydrum 47.00 680.60 3/6 Gubellini 12.00 659.80 1/2 Lucasduke 12.00 611.20 2/5 Insider 12.00 607.00 4/5 Arjay 35.00 495.00 2/5 Scooby 24.00 488.00 2/6 Chestnut 0.00 436.00 1/5 Peter RS 0.00 403.00 4/9 Say No More 94.00 398.00 1/3 Kloppite 134.00 350.00 1 Koriokaramea 35.00 343.00 3/5 Reacher 35.00 336.40 1/3 Jayar 94.00 332.60 1/3 Majestic 102.00 332.00 2/5 Al Feilding 94.00 315.60 2/4 Blaird 12.00 295.00 3/5 Canterbury Man 94.00 294.20 2/5 BB Black Kirrama 0.00 284.40 1/3 BB Joan 0.00 278.00 2 BB Aaron 94.00 274.20 2/4 BB Ponderosa 24.00 240.00 1/7 BB Pak Star 102.00 238.20 2/6 BB Seakem 24.00 232.00 5/7 Von Cettes 24.00 232.00 4 Kilcoyne 0.00 228.60 2/3 BB Pure Steel 0.00 215.00 3/5 Manfield 0.00 199.40 2/5 Foxmerts 0.00 189.00 3/4 Floyd Pink 67.00 186.20 5/6 BB Richie 12.00 166.20 2/4 Seddon 12.00 163.40 3/6 Kiwignome 12.00 162.20 2/5 Maximus 12.00 158.00 1/7 Pegasus 12.00 156.20 2/5 Dogzstar 0.00 153.00 2/3 Pete Lane 0.00 152.20 4/5 BB Alf 24.00 151.00 1/2 Houlahan 0.00 95.00 5/6 Mr gee 0.00 53.00 1/5 Winner69 0.00 36.00 15 BB -
Mark should have jumped in and said the Chatham Cup was on the radar, treat stupid with stupid
Racing Industry Amendment Bill General Policy Statement Explanatory note The Bill makes TAB NZ the sole legal domestic operator of online sports and racing betting. Given this restriction of choice of operators, it is important to ensure there are adequate protections for domestic consumers. It also creates a new regulation-making power to specify the circumstances in which TAB NZ may exclude a person from participating in racing betting or sports betting. This is intended to ensure that TAB NZ cannot restrict otherwise lawful customers from accessing its online products without an appropriate reason, such as a customer having an identified gambling problem.
And even afterwards he was asking Mark Walker if they were targeting a certain race in Australia. He said we don’t make decisions about anything straight after a race, but he kept pestering him with " but it must be in the back of your mind " .. NO not at the moment .. " it would be a consideration though " .. NO not at the moment. I don't know how Mark Walker kept his cool.
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Flemington R5 (6 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 3 Vinrock Mark Zahra 3.00 1.60 5 Brave Design Craig Williams 2.50 10 Onavuitton Thomas Stockdale 6.70 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 3,5 11.20 BB with a BB quinella to take a narrow lead. We're at the halfway mark and it's back to Ellerslie for the Kiwi! NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Basil Brush 186.80 1057.80 1/8 Hall 25.00 1054.20 3/8 Sayer 92.00 866.20 1/13 Ohokaman 50.00 828.80 1/7 Jack 0.00 661.20 3/9 Gubellini 186.80 647.80 1/2 Montydrum 93.40 633.60 1/3 Lucasduke 92.00 599.20 1/9 Insider 92.00 595.00 1/2 Pheroz 46.00 535.20 1/8 BB Scooby 46.00 464.00 1/9 BB Arjay 0.00 460.00 3/9 Chestnut 0.00 436.00 9/10 Peter RS 25.00 403.00 9/10 Koriokaramea 46.00 308.00 2/3 Say No More 25.00 304.00 1/8 Reacher 93.40 301.40 3/7 Black Kirrama 50.00 284.40 4 Blaird 67.00 283.00 1/7 Joan 92.00 278.00 7 Jayar 93.40 238.60 1/8 Majestic 0.00 230.00 3/8 Kilcoyne 93.40 228.60 7/9 Al Feilding 93.40 221.60 1/8 Kloppite 0.00 216.00 8 Ponderosa 46.00 216.00 1/4 BB Pure Steel 25.00 215.00 7/10 Seakem 0.00 208.00 1 Von Cettes 0.00 208.00 1 Canterbury Man 46.00 200.20 1/8 Manfield 0.00 199.40 7/10 Foxmerts 0.00 189.00 9/11 BB Aaron 0.00 180.20 1/3 BB Richie 0.00 154.20 1/9 Dogzstar 0.00 153.00 4/10 Pete Lane 46.00 152.20 2/10 Seddon 93.40 151.40 1/10 Kiwignome 0.00 150.20 1/2 Maximus 46.00 146.00 1/9 Pegasus 25.00 144.20 1/7 Pak Star 25.00 136.20 3/8 Alf 46.00 127.00 1/9 BB Floyd Pink 0.00 119.20 6/8 Houlahan 25.00 95.00 9/10 Mr gee 0.00 53.00 2/7 Winner69 0.00 36.00 4 -
The government can not tell Entain what to do, but they do have to abide by government regulations such as the AML legislation, so potentially regulations would/could be included to protect punters rights in any legislation giving Entain an online monopoly. The possible legislation was open for public submissions, not sure if that is still the case or whether they have closed. There does not appear to be an accurate picture of how much money is actually being lost to overseas operators, and it does occur to me that the old TAB may have greatly exaggerated the "possible" figure, to deflect blame from their woeful performance.
By say no more · Posted
Round 5 - Ellerslie R7 (5 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 16 Trav Masa Hashizume 21.50 5.70 11 Tajanis Michael McNab 1.10 1 Interpretation Blake Shinn 2.60 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 11,16 30.40 1/5th of the field on the roughie winner again - some nice tipping today! Hall with a best bet on the winner to take a nice lead. Off to Flemington R5 next. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Hall 544.00 1029.20 5/6 Basil Brush 343.80 871.00 3/5 BB Ohokaman 343.80 778.80 5/15 BB Sayer 272.00 774.20 3/9 BB Jack 544.00 661.20 12/16 Montydrum 11.00 540.20 3/5 Lucasduke 0.00 507.20 2/3 BB Insider 343.80 503.00 3/12 BB Pheroz 22.00 489.20 3/6 Gubellini 343.80 461.00 3/5 BB Arjay 0.00 460.00 9/12 BB Chestnut 26.00 436.00 4/9 Scooby 298.00 418.00 3/15 Peter RS 272.00 378.00 2/5 Say No More 26.00 279.00 5/15 Koriokaramea 0.00 262.00 3/4 Black Kirrama 0.00 234.40 5 Majestic 74.00 230.00 9/15 Blaird 74.00 216.00 6/10 Kloppite 104.00 216.00 15 Reacher 37.00 208.00 3/5 Seakem 0.00 208.00 1 Von Cettes 74.00 208.00 15 Manfield 0.00 199.40 6/15 Pure Steel 11.00 190.00 5/7 Foxmerts 26.00 189.00 2/15 Joan 22.00 186.00 3 Aaron 37.00 180.20 13/16 Ponderosa 26.00 170.00 3/15 Canterbury Man 37.00 154.20 3/7 Richie 37.00 154.20 7/15 Dogzstar 11.00 153.00 7/15 Kiwignome 11.00 150.20 9/16 Jayar 37.00 145.20 3/5 Kilcoyne 11.00 135.20 3/5 Al Feilding 11.00 128.20 3/5 Floyd Pink 11.00 119.20 6/15 BB Pegasus 11.00 119.20 5/9 Pak Star 0.00 111.20 5/9 Pete Lane 0.00 106.20 3/4 Maximus 0.00 100.00 3/9 Alf 37.00 81.00 3/9 Houlahan 11.00 70.00 5/9 Seddon 0.00 58.00 3/5 Mr gee 0.00 53.00 15/16 Winner69 0.00 36.00 4/7 -
Looks like Stringline enjoyed the 55.5 kg drop in the weights.
Some questions are ok but when you ask a trainer if theNumber 1 seed is fast enough to win the race. That really is moronic. And also what is the point of asking another trainer if Australia is still on the cards before the race has even started. Just dumb.
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