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    • The pdf form has all of that.  Its two clicks away on the tab webpage or app...
    • Oh, but so much more. They'll tell you how much it was paying too. Woweeeeee!!!! And how it placed in a Group 3 race once, even if that was 4 years ago    Whoopdee doo. ALL of that is already available by clicking on the horse (except the Group 3 placing). All the AI technology is doing is repeating something that is already available on the same page. Something new and original would be nice, but no. It's like mass produced Toyota Corollas (with apologies to Toyota and their top selling Corolla design). 
    • You are correct, so in a nutshell crap
    • What stunning fields at Ashvegas on Monday. Add in the Aussies and Cup Week at Addington is going to be outstanding. 
    • The AJC members decide that don't they? No-one else.
    • that could be it .Jerimiah as well as Better Knuckle Up are in the 3 year old race Monday. And with  Cold Chisel in the FFA flying stakes because trainers Barry and Scott are probably trying to get All 3 a slot in the Rich Velocity 3 year olds slot Slot race on show day?. That would be quite a training feat !!  If Grant Dixon from Brisvegas wins the Cup with LEAP TO FAME he might be tempted to return next year with FATE AWAITS , for the Velocity. He Already won our Brand New 2 year old Slot race a few weeks ago in 1.50.6 . 🤔 Can you believe 2 yearolds running that sort of time Charlie. ?? just incredible how fast they go nowadays.  with Leap To Fame racing  at Menangle Saturday night , Fate Awaits is racing as well, and drew 1 in race 3 (the NSW breeders Final , and must nearly win with Grant back driving it I would think , being so speedy. 5-1 too ,💰👍 
    • Are you the full quid yourself?   Where did he say anything about who would decide the proceeds?  Once they are paid, regardless of who or how they are set, they are theirs to invest.
    • Are you the full quid? the proceeds of the future sale will not be decided by AJC but by rational discussions between the 2 parties. Read my earlier posts on the topic and try to digest them before making another ridiculous post
    • My actual thoughts regarding  last weekend was a large focus was on other sports and I'm not sure The Everest did have as larger impact as one would have thought, I may be wrong but from a NZ perspective there were other things, Auckland FC, started 4 30, the NPC semi, started at 4, throw in the Cricket the yachting etc etc, now come Melbourne Cup day , we'll that's a different event completely or the trotting cup a week later they are the only event at that time and they have tradition and tradition means a lot even in today's world. I also noted Caulfield Cup win pool was more than the Everest.
    • Aren't you describing the Melbourne Cup? If ENTAIN were true marketers couldn't they promote the Captain Cook Stakes without changing the name?  Or is that a PC thing? Do we need to change the name of the WS Cox Plate?   Should rugby change the name of the Bledisloe Cup? It's really easy to dump history for the new sugar hit.  But that doesn't help market retention.
    • 100% agree Michael....we need all the help we can get.
    • He wasn't getting what he wanted. He wanted to retire and never work again. Irony being he probably could have retired a few years earlier if he saved the lotto money each week. The Entain marketing got more eyes on the sport. Sure they didn't win but who was to know? They end up with a $50 free bet so they end up having another go,watching the races again. Worst case scenario they never watch again but racing gets their $50.  Best case they enjoyed the rush of letting their money ride and continue to watch the races. We need more eyes on the sport and the well advertised Everest and the "free bet" surely got plenty watching. We complain racing does nothing to market itself,then people complain when they do it was a stupid gimmick. Any publicity creates interest and gets people talking/watching which is a good thing. Alot of people thought the Everest was a stupid gimmick too
    • Thanks Scooby havent been able to get to Pikes and didnt want to phone. Looking forward to Michael coming back to ride our one.
    • 1. Moonee Valley R1   2x9 2. Moonee Valley R3   2x8 3. Moonee Valley R4   7x9 4. Moonee Valley R8   1x11 5. Moonee Valley R9   5x8 6. Randwick R2           7x11 7. Randwick R3           7x12 8. Randwick R5           1x2                  Best Bet 9. Randwick R6           2x6 10. Randwick R7         2x8                  Best Bet 11. Randwick R8         5x7 12. Randwick R9         6x7 Thank you for this excellent comp, John and Scooby.
    • Hi Hedley, Day-in, day-out, the Taxpayers' Union is exposing government waste. Last week it was the Film Commission's $145,000 French Riviera bonanza. This week it was Health NZ bosses chowing down $60k of fine dining, including $32-per-canape. And there's more to come. But we all know where the real waste is: the dark corners where the public isn't allowed to look. The parts of Government spending that happen in secret. Parliament is the main culprit. Not many people know this, Hedley, but MPs' expenses are not publicly available, except when they are illegally leaked. In fact, while Ministerial expenses are free for all to see, what is "non Ministerial" and every expense applicable to opposition MPs, government backbenchers (so their staff/offices) is protected by a special carve out of freedom of information law.  We want to change that. But we need your support to force Parliament to 'Open the Books'. Wasting bucket loads on bubbly, Bali, and birdhouses? But you're not allowed to look?! 😵 Back in 2009, the UK had what became known as the "MP expense scandal". Armed with a CD Rom of transactions, the TaxPayers' Alliance (our UK-sister group) exposed UK Members of Parliament for truly outrageous 'expense claims'. They included: An ornate duck house for a pond ($3500 NZD) Moat cleaning ($4720 NZD) - yes, seriously! Hedge clipping of helipad  ($1200 NZD) Treating dry rot at a second home ($48300 NZD) Furniture, homeware and electric goods, including three food mixers and two microwaves for just one MP ($35,000 NZD) TIP OF THE ICEBERG EXPOSED: MPs taking the Mickey (with our money) 💰 Hedley, last month we got a wee glimpse into how New Zealand's MPs are being just as reckless with the money they are entrusted with to run their offices and constituency work. Te Pāti Māori MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer managed to spend $39,209 on flights over just three months! And, thanks to some social media investigation work, it was evident that rather than flying to Hamilton, Ms Ngarewa-Packer had been serving constituents holidaying in Hawaii on your dollar. We asked for more details – it's taxpayer money after all – BUT were told by Parliamentary Services to get lost! You see, while Government Ministers are covered by freedom of information laws, non ministerial spending is still completely secret.  That means that other than knowing the total amount spent by an MP on travel, or on their 'office expenses', we are none the wiser about what it's actually going towards.  Remember former Minister, Tuku Morgan's $300 taxpayer-funded underpants? The public only learned about those because he put it on his Ministerial card, not his MP one. How many other MPs are doing the same thing, but we just don't know it? There's also what are called the "Parliamentary Leader's Budgets" (applicable to every political party in Parliament with some in the millions of dollars). Last month Chris Hipkins took his partner to the UK and Europe using some of this money – but the costs are a state secret. How is that fair? We say, if taxpayers pay for these 'leader's budgets', taxpayers ought to know what they are being used for. That's why I'm asking for your support to force the Government to change the law and "Open the Books" on Parliament. Bill before Parliament is the opportunity taxpayers have been waiting for... 🙌 But for the first time, we have a real opportunity to fix their loophole. Right now before Parliament is a Bill that changes how Parliament operates and MPs are funded. As it stands, it actually removes what very few safeguards are around MP's expenditure (for example, MPs won't need to get their Party Leader's permission to head off overseas). But with one small change – to remove the carve-out Parliamentary Service's financial information from the Official Information Act – we could blow the books wide open. Will you back us in this effort so we can publicise the issue, and ensure the Bill gets the public attention it deserves? New Zealand prides itself in being open and transparent. But most of the western world's politicians made their expenses transparent decades ago. It's time we caught up. Mounting a campaign like this means we're up against every political party in Parliament! But we can still win. A tough campaign like this means we need big resources to give MPs no other option but to open the books. If MPs are allowed to continue to hide behind blanket figures, the door will remain open for abuse of expenses, just as we saw in the UK. Hedley, we're tired of asking Parliament nicely. Now's the time to shine a light on MPs' spending and blow open the books. We can't let this opportunity pass. Make a secure donation ↩️ Thank you for your support. Jordan Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union    New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc. · 117 Lambton Quay, Level 4, Wellington 6011, New Zealand This email was sent to twitips@xtra.co.nz. To change your email preferences, click here. Authorised by the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union, Level 4, 117 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011. http://email.nationbuilder.com/wf/open?upn=u001.H-2F4uuhIl2UY5wYtf1jlm38yfLmVFTc8Ek1yds6z61LSuACd-2B3rN6ciLILzfDku2m9RbbFvLKOEfQwH1O-2BlDBaD7uGarkHzSRrtEC2fcmD1QFa-2B6hRdPv4NFCgdSM0v-2BB-2FUv-2F9gXnDJpySY9P7ulZMz6jeh9RUYc4MNC5rNo3oWuV0VFVCrj-2FE2Aao6IMwd-2FGQummbyTHvQEBdHU7U5PmufHjxJepzbYRDbt5Lm-2FcruNHWpQBrfV8bI7Tsi-2FJHxwMKE5yIusRD6tghrgzH8j7KJSY7pDqn8d-2ByQmbnESzdpS3q1h-2BbSSjGi1u2blFt0CIt-2F0S0dR54EXkg9cWcwnKDXnlpUqgSoYsZ7so-2BpQUI-2F-2FUMaQtXtfc0z7Kj4sUVapp17yzVCqy5o-2FanbB43QNa8w-3D-3D
    • Probably not 🤔
    • Well here's hoping Avondale invests THEIR money elsewhere.  Perhaps with a club that has done a lot with limited resources.
    • Whoops should have gone to Specsavers DSD is in at Ashburton 
    • Was a genuine tribute to great guy , a tough watch all the same . Kudos to those that he worked very closely with in Frazer Auret and Bevan Sweeney , both had heartfelt and caring words and are obviously doing it tough . My biggest consolation from it was knowing that Jonathan had organized what he wanted of the funeral which told me he was at peace with his decision which should give everyone some solace in a tough time . I hope it is not long till he is riding G1 winners in his paradise . R.I.P. skins .
    • You would think that someone who lives north of Auckland would know that , but can you really call it a city track ???
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