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By Harry Newshound · Posted
After nearly dying as a foal, Demolisher carried owners and breeders Kenneth and Resia Ayres on an incredible journey to be crowned 2024 Indiana Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association Horse of the Year.View the full article -
By Pam Robson · Posted
Shame it's 'preaching to the converted'. How good to have it on mainstream TV. -
Group 1 hero Dubai Honour to head four-strong Australian raiding party for William Haggas | Racing Post Interesting to see William Haggas targeting the Ranvet and the Queen Elizabeth II with DUBAI HONOUR. DESERT HERO is owned by the King and Queen and was once third in the Leger over 2800m. Last season, they tried to run him over 2000-2400m and it didn't really happen.
Didn't Donald J Trump get 77 million of the 133 million votes according to CNN who are the most honest news.
Last year HRNZ did increase reserves by millions, I would have to look it up to give the figure, but it was substantial, the worry is that they might give it all to Auckland, even though all the financial results from the ATC show that would be the last place that should receive additional funds, I would also keep an eye on the $11m from Forbury, wouldn't want that to go North either.
Just watched Jane Ivil’s special show tonight “Kiwi Closeup” on Trackside. Great insight into our runners in the Kiwi, all looking amazing. Great show team. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
You didnt see Wightman throwing a facebook tanty last week for not being allowed his wife and half a dozen mates on course with him? Had a real good back and forward with Cameron Rodger. Doesn't sound like owners privileges amount to much or extend very far this Saturday... at least according to Colin.
50 to 60 years ago there were many Kiwis making similar derogative comments about UK Immigrants that you are making regarding Indian / Asians. Then in the 70s it was the Pacific Islanders and so on. You were welcomed into this country, so I find it ironic that you have chosen to also weigh into our indigenous people.
By We're Doomed · Posted
According to the website you get exclusive owners privileges, so on slot day that is probably worth hundreds of dollars. Free entry, free drinks. Sounds like a great deal. -
Over here, ITV Racing like to speak to the winning rider immediately after the race, literally as they are pulling up and heading back to the unsaddling enclosure. It caused some contention when it was proposed as the old fashioned view was the jockey should speak to the owner and trainer before anyone else but money oiled those wheels and now it's an accepted part of the coverage. The trainer and (if present) the owner are also interviewed but after the debrief with the jockey. The interviewers are generally well clued up - the ROA (Racehorse Owners Associalation) provides a bio on each owner or owning syndicate and the gist of the interviews with the trainer will be about the horse's performance, training issues and future plans. In the Group/Grade 1 races, the beaten jockeys are interviewed as they go back into the weighing room - that can be a tad fraught at times, if you've won you're in a good mood and generally happy to share the sentiment of the success but if you've been beaten and especially if your horse hasn't performed, it can be difficult to talk to the media but most do even if the responses can be a shade monosyllabic. Pre race, there are paddock interviews (if time allows) with the trainer and owners(s) of the leading fancies or someone with an interesting backstory. Racing is entertainment as well as sport and ITV like to sell the "human" aspect of it - we bought the horse of £500 and now we're in the Derby, kind of thing. It's mostly done well - Rishi Persad, who grew up on a stud farm in Trinidad, is the smooth, easy going, avuncular interviewer while Matt Chapman is more adversarial and challenges trainers in particular on targets, the correct distance for the horse etc. The Group/Grade 1 winning trainer/owners get the dubious privilege of dealing with Ed Chamberlin or Francesca Cumani. Ed is "Mr Everyman" - the racing enthusiast who detests the jargon while Francesca is, well, Francesca - her strength is her connections around Newmarket in particular. There's a running gag now about her mentioning "the Australian Race" (the Melbourne Cup) when we see a potential runner such as the Ebor winner. ITV have the advantage of NOT having to show every race at every track (unlike Racing UK or Sky Sports Racing) and often there's 20-30 minutes of build up before the big races which helps.
How exciting to own a tail hair of a NZBK runner!? However I run the numbers on this about a month ago when the microshares were $128 and they were terrible value for money then and aint much better now. If Zormella wins the race, first prize is 1.2m... Subtract trainers and jockeys fees you're looking at 1m. Assuming a 50/50 split with slot holder its now 500k. And a 0.01% share of 500k nets you $50. Better off throwing the $175 on a place bet paying 9s.
That's about as close as one can get without adding even more words of similar meaning.
They'd be a few regular posters in the Trump threads would question that last statement 🤣
That was painful to watch - it was not the attack but the defence up the middle that hurt the most . No agro-falling off tackles-ezy offloads-bugger all spot tackles Signs early are it's goona be a long season and games are won up the middle I've said it b4 and I'll say it again , changes are needed and needed NOW This is Foxy's line-up barring injuries 1)Tuaupiki 2)Kosi 3)Leiataua 4)Klostad 5) Rodger 6) Te Maire Martin 7) Metcalf 13) * Dylan Waker 12) Marata Niukore 11) Capwell 10)*** Barnett ( C ) 9) Egan 😎 Harris 14 ) **Harris-Tavita 15)Erin Clark 16) Bunty 17)Jacob Laman * They cleary missed last years skipper Harris and Walker will give them that xtra playmaker ** covers fullback/halback/standoff/hooker why he's not 14th man EVERY game makes me SMFH everytime *** not a fan of co-captains and usually a sign of desperation
A financial shambles awaits the code. The new board need to take a leaf out of squirrels/acorns and boost balance sheet now so as to soften the blow when Entain say enoughs enough and funding is reduced
It's not that hard really, make sure you look the part, act professionally, ask good questions. But most of all check in the mirror and make sure you don't look like a dickhead before going on camera. Always wondered why Popplewell wears those hoodies even in the middle of summer, would need to have air con on full lols
Thing is Ohokaman we can't attract the "right" people anymore.....we are a 2nd World country at best.
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