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Hi ALF. PLEASE CHECK LINE 1 . 2.3 x 1.45 x 2.15 x 5.18 =37.15 rounding. DIFFERENCE $14.85. 134.65 -14.85 =119.80. HOPE THAT HELPS.REGARDS TARANTULA.
By Alf Riston · Posted
This might be a short thread because I may well have it wrong, but this seems to be yet another case of Entains computer system being less than stable / honest I'll be the 2nd person to admit (after my wife) that I'm not as sharp as I used to be so I'm hoping someone can confirm that and tell me where I went wrong, or ....... I took a multi tonight, and as there is no longer the 'potential win' display as they used to have in the 'old' system, I have a calculator to simulate the results. My workings for $5.18 stake per unit are: Yet the payout is: $119.80 ALL fields appeared to be free of scratchings (I checked for possible deductions), apart from, and I have seen other instances of this , a 'duplicated' runner (8) - maybe they are making a deduction for that? -
By Matanuku Blue · Posted
I’m presuming there have some other bigger bets to cause this reaction which to me is over the top .Im not gunna tell you which horse but it is one of the longer odds horses in the slot race.If I tell you which horse everyone will get on and shorten the odds🤣 -
Hard to believe. That’s a piddly bet to be turned down on. What’s the horse and was was/are the odds. I repeat hard to believe being only $150/50 this far out. They should be able to take it and balance the book in 20 minutes. For the third time, hard to believe at 150/50 irrespective of the horse. I am so looking forward to hearing the details
By Matanuku Blue · Posted
I’m a rare better maybe once or twice a year mainly cos I can’t stand the TAB esp now when they have no competition. I wanted to put 150 over 50 on a horse in the slot race and they rejected the bet but allowed me to put only 50 to win with the tagline “Early liability reached on this selection try again closer to the race”I cancelled the 50 win bet .And they call themselves bookmakers .They are not bookmakers bottoms. I rang my brother in Qland and he is placing the bet for me there probably at better odds . -
The more I think about this race the more I like Leap to Fame . Can see Swayzee getting crossed so that might be the end of him . Not sure about Don Hugo even though he won last start only beat Merlin but he did run time . Sooner the Better has gate speed . I would love to see him in front on the first corner he is my roughie to run second
By say no more · Posted
SAME FORMAT AS ROUND 1. Please note earlier posting deadline than past couple of weeks. For this week: 1. Either pick two horses in each race listed below - you will have $10 each way on both and a $2 quinella; or if you'd prefer to pick just one horse in any (or all of the races) you can do that and you will have $20 each way on that one runner, but you will forego the quinella. 2. You will have two best bet races where your bet is doubled. They can be any two of the 12 races listed below. Posting deadline this week is 12.30pm This weeks 12 races are as follows - focus mostly on Ellerslie - a good card and good weather forecast (no cyclones in the neighbourhood) 1. Ellerslie R3 2. Ellerslie R4 3. Ellerslie R5 4. Ellerslie R6 5. Ellerslie R7 6. Ellerslie R8 7. Ellerslie R9 8. Ellerslie R10 9. Randwick R6 10. Randwick R8 11. Flemington R5 12. Flemington R9 Please enter horse numbers, not names and remember to nominate two best bet races, and some form of punctuation between your two numbers is very helpful - thanks. Regular scratchings - it is up to you to replace any scratchings prior to the posting deadline. If you don't then you will have only one runner in the race, unless you have two scratchings or a single pick is scratched, in which case you will have no runners in that race. (and for the avoidance of any doubt if you pick two and one is scratched the single remaining runner will be a $10 each way bet). Late scratchings - any late scratchings will default to the TAB sub (and second win favourite if you already have the sub or both your runners are late scratched). In the event of equal second win favourites the second sub will be the horse with the lower saddlecloth number. If you have a single bet and it is late scratched, you will have a single bet on the TAB sub. Abandoned races - we need a minimum of 6 races to be run for the results to stand. Any less than 6 and we will re-run the round next week. If you had a best bet in an abandoned race you can change best bet races up until the posting deadline - after that it is just the rub of the green. -
Geo blocking is never going to recover the amounts they are claiming. It is their own fault for providing an inferior product along with restricting the bigger punters and forcing them overseas in the first place. Not a great business model turning your biggest customers away.
Ah, that's right, the old Covid excuse. He proved he only had one plan and sank himself by suggesting it was going to go pffffftttttt and just disappear like magic. But yes, politicians on both sides of the divide struggled during that period, all round the world. Trump was a lying slacker and failed his people, whereas Cindy was overbearing and failed her people in a different way. They were both disasters however. Mind you, he had a four year term and did nor MAGA-ing and drained no swamps. He did appear confident and with a plan today. How it affects the rest of the world is still to be seen.
By Houlahan's Dream · Posted
I think that run from the 1500 to the 1200 starting point is back straight, right, so time for the outside speed to get a slot. I do like Pivotal Ten - should position up ok and perhaps be able to dictate or be close to the speed. If those figures from down south are accurate....might be too good. Might. Hence the $12.....;) -
By tripple alliance · Posted
Ok Hokey , the stock market booming , That's Tomorrow , . Cutting off aid to Ukraine a real peace initiative eh….. , YES Zelensky needed to be shown who is really in charge and he has groveled so let's see how long Trump leaves him dangling , it seems the lesson has been learned but Trumps in an awkward position , he can't trust Putin and he certainly can't trust Zalinsky More interested in the Dems response. Give it to them Slotkin… Depressing effin depressing that's the dems at the moment . -
By tripple alliance · Posted
Covid sank him not better politicians or policy , covid caused many political problems around the world including here , cindy was reelected what a disaster . -
Thats 270k for 50%share. 5000 shares at $175 each is $875,000. What am i missing ?
What l learned today. Democrats have boat anchors in their pants. Republicans have heavy duty springs in their asses. Plus they have bad doses of the clap.
Yes I know Janitor mate, and this years edition is to be real doozy 😆 I'll definitely have to have a few medicinals on the lead up to Sat, geez won't make it without it, probably won't make it with it, damnnnn on a hidin to nothin 🤣 Oscar has drawn to take a nice sit on the right horse, and we all know what he can do over that distance from a hot speed sit, yessss, ask Just Believe 😆 Oscar's the ultimate predator.... Cheers Iraklis
Nuthin better than watching the Don speaking the truth and exposing the Dems for the corrupt ,evil, ignorant ppl they truly are Patting himself on the back for all the positive changes already that have made America a better/stronger nation Karen Carpenter could not od sung it better - ' We've only just begun ' Go the Don Choo Choo
By racingoutsider · Posted
Wonder if there's a tote in The Enclosure? They don't seem to mention the idea of having a flutter while you are there!
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