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The problem occurs when they ask a question but they don't actually listen to the reply, as in their own head they're already asking the next question. Well that, and jut not being prepared/knowledgable.
By say no more · Posted
Week 4 - Wingatui R8 (2 of 12) 5 lives lost there on Lofty's Gift but nobody has gone 2 from 2. Strap yourself in - next 7-8 races are coming thick and fast NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL LIVES LOST NEXT RACE Mr gee 67.45 116.34 0 2/5 Koriokaramea 33.72 103.34 0 1/2 Seakem 43.17 92.07 0 4/6 Majestic 24.30 75.51 0 2/9 Manfield 22.60 71.50 0 2/5 BB Dogzstar 29.33 64.46 0 2/11 Pegasus 29.33 64.14 0 5/7 Lucasduke 22.60 63.75 0 7/9 Blaird 31.73 61.54 0 2/9 Hall 29.33 60.33 0 5/11 Aaron 29.03 60.04 0 3/5 BB Kilcoyne 24.59 59.72 0 5/14 Floyd Pink 26.32 57.00 0 2/11 BB Alf 26.99 56.80 0 2/11 Basil Brush 31.73 56.18 0 1/7 Pete Lane 31.73 56.18 0 2/11 BB Peter RS 22.60 52.37 0 2/11 Scooby 22.60 52.09 0 3/5 Seddon 22.60 52.09 0 2/5 Kiwignome 21.51 50.99 0 1/9 Pheroz 19.59 49.40 0 1/7 Al Feilding 19.90 49.39 0 1/2 BB High Sparrow 24.59 49.04 0 7/11 Joan 17.19 47.87 0 1/2 Foxmerts 21.58 46.03 0 2/12 Pure Steel 19.59 44.04 0 5/11 Montydrum 17.19 41.64 0 3/7 Black Kirrama 22.30 36.94 0 1/11 Ponderosa 22.30 36.94 0 1/11 Richie 5.42 36.10 0 8/20 Canterbury Man 17.19 35.05 0 2/7 Insider 2.64 32.12 1 1/3 Jayar 13.27 30.61 0 1/12 Von Cettes 15.36 28.80 0 4/9 Jack 20.63 28.35 1 5/7 Ohokaman 2.34 27.98 1 2/7 Chestnut 12.67 26.86 0 2/3 Pak Star 0.67 24.56 1 2/7 Houlahan 15.98 23.51 0 1/5 Kloppite 15.18 22.90 1 2/7 Maximus 9.66 22.41 1 4/11 Winner69 7.03 21.67 1 5/11 Say No More 13.27 19.79 1 2/3 Sayer 15.36 15.97 1 3/6 Reacher 14.30 14.92 1 1/4 Gubellini -0.37 3.82 1 9/12 -
By We're Doomed · Posted
I don't normally comment on the Trackside presenters, but that interview with the trainer of the Dunedin Guineas was a bit cringeworthy. Interviewer kept saying things like "what's it like to win a race like this?" Trainer kept saying "well I did win the same race last year". Virtually saying, "I'm not some country bumkin who has only won a maiden race before." -
A professional punter once told me many years ago . Never back maidens , always be wary of first starters and always back the tighter assessed horses . I thought good advice
must be quite a task calculating over 90 scores in each race John appreciate the effort
Oh dear Hoki blind leading the blind yet again The Don exposed wot he's all about and just a war monger -more concerned abt raking billions than saving lives Watch out for the couple weeks he returns wearing a suit , tail between his legs begging for help
By say no more · Posted
Week 4 - Wingatui R7 (1 of 12) 6 lives lost in the first race on Loose Sally. KK with a best bet on two of the more favoured runners to take an early lead. NAME TOTAL LIVES LOST NEXT RACE Koriokaramea 69.61 0 7/9 Majestic 51.22 0 5/9 Manfield 48.90 0 3/4 Mr gee 48.90 0 7/9 BB Seakem 48.90 0 1/9 BB Lucasduke 41.14 0 3/4 Dogzstar 35.13 0 4/7 Kilcoyne 35.13 0 4/9 Pegasus 34.81 0 4/7 Aaron 31.00 0 5/7 Hall 31.00 0 4/7 Floyd Pink 30.68 0 1/7 Joan 30.68 0 1/4 Richie 30.68 0 2/10 Alf 29.81 0 3/9 Blaird 29.81 0 3/7 Pheroz 29.81 0 1/3 Peter RS 29.77 0 3/4 Al Feilding 29.49 0 4/5 Insider 29.49 0 4/8 Kiwignome 29.49 0 3/6 Scooby 29.49 0 3/4 Seddon 29.49 0 3/4 Ohokaman 25.64 0 5/8 Basil Brush 24.45 0 3/7 Foxmerts 24.45 0 1/9 Montydrum 24.45 0 1/4 Pete Lane 24.45 0 3/7 Pure Steel 24.45 0 1/3 High Sparrow 24.45 0 4/9 Pak Star 23.90 0 8/13 Canterbury Man 17.86 0 1/4 Jayar 17.34 0 1/14 Winner69 14.64 0 8/9 Black Kirrama 14.64 0 3/5 Ponderosa 14.64 0 3/5 Chestnut 14.20 0 2/4 Von Cettes 13.44 0 3/10 Maximus 12.76 1 1/2 Jack 7.72 1 3/13 Kloppite 7.72 1 6/14 Houlahan 7.53 0 5/14 Say No More 6.53 1 1/14 Gubellini 4.19 0 1/8 Reacher 0.61 1 13/14 Sayer 0.61 1 3/10 -
Good safe start for the day by Max...I mean a $20 shot couldnt win fresh up, could it, really, i mean to say, not in a big field like that.. oh flock!
Trump and Vance show the world the US is not to be trusted. Disgusting behaviour from the Putin puppets…..😠 https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/28/politics/video/zelensky-trump-vance-russia-argument-oval-office-digvid
Wow I thought this was a thourougbred chat page, however whilst I too was sad to see the demise of the hill I am genuinely excited about next Saturday, if the weather plays its part it will be a day like no other. Even today 4 rqces at Wingatui worth more than $150k and a great support card, I just wonder who made this possible, well it definitely wasn't a Warehouse sausage sizzle!!!. I reckon despite the issues with some tracks and the over empathsis on centralisation, we should enjoy the "ride" whilst it last, and that includes having some of Aussies leading trainers bringing horses to Ellerslie next weekend. As G Simon says "lets bring it on"
By say no more · Posted
For those who follow the results during the day, below are the picks for the last race. Posting these because final two results will be in delay and you might be interested to see what those in contention have in the final race. NAME LAST RACE Aaron 1/12 Al Feilding 1/7 Alf 7/12 Winner69 7/12 Basil Brush 2/7 Black Kirrama 2/11 Blaird 10/11 Canterbury Man 10/12 Chestnut 7/12 BB Dogzstar 7/12 BB Floyd Pink 7/12 BB Foxmerts 3/11 Gubellini 8/10 Hall 7/12 Houlahan 1/12 BB Insider 2/8 BB Jack 3/5 Jayar 1/3 BB Joan 8/14 Kilcoyne 1/7 BB Kiwignome 10/12 BB Kloppite 2/7 BB Koriokaramea 3/10 Lucasduke 1/10 Majestic 10/15 Manfield 1/7 Maximus 5/8 Montydrum 3/10 Mr gee 3/10 Ohokaman 2/10 Pak Star 5/7 Pegasus 1/12 Pete Lane 2/12 Peter RS 10/11 Pheroz 5/7 Ponderosa 2/3 Pure Steel 1/10 Reacher 1/3 Richie 1/11 Say No More 2/7 BB Sayer 1/3 BB Scooby 7/12 BB Seakem 10/11 Seddon 1/12 BB High Sparrow 1/7 Von Cettes 7/10 BB -
By say no more · Posted
Week 4 results - a few things to note: - between races 2 & 9 there are 8 races in the space of 70 minutes - updates during that time will be sparse and may not include next race selections. - with the short turnarounds I will be using win dividends from the TAB site soon after the race finishes. Sometimes the dividends change a little after race close. I will do a check later this evening to ensure I have picked up final dividends. - I have to head out before 6pm so results for the final two races will be posted later this evening - hopefully not too late. -
By Hedley Jordan · Posted
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8986070038188612&set=a.102930406502664 Wind Turbines -
By tripple alliance · Posted
Well that maybe correct the article started IT'S ALLEGED ""so take it with a grain of salt if you wish , what's undeniable is this Quote , April 14, 2024 The Avondale Jockey Club has submitted to Auckland Council to see Avondale Racecourse rezoned for housing. NZ Herald· 19 Mar, 2024 Plans to potentially turn a 100-year-old Auckland racecourse into thousands of new houses and apartments have spurred concerned residents to hold a community meeting next week. It comes as it has now been revealed a proposal to rezone the 35ha Avondale Racecourse into land suitable for apartments and terrace houses will be heard in October or November. Auckland Council values the racecourse at $77.5 million. However, rezoning the land for intensive housing could see its value shoot up to $300m, the Avondale Business Association says. And a bit extra , The 35-hectare site is owned by the Avondale Jockey Club, but racing will end at the venue in July 2026 and the land then sold off. New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) is going through a transfer process for the racecourse with the Avondale Jockey Club, and it will be NZTR that receives the proceeds of this sale.19 Feb 2025 -
1. Wingatui R7: 7, 11 2. Wingatui R8: 4, 7 3. Matamata R7: 5, 7 4. Randwick R4: 2, 4 BB 5. Flemington R5: 1, 7 6. Wingatui R9: 1, 3 7. Randwick R5: 2, 5 8. Flemington R6: 5, 17 9. Wingatui R10: 5, 9 10. Flemington R7: 4, 7 BB 11. Randwick R7: 2, 6 12. Flemington R8: 1, 12 Cheers. Struggled.
By High Sparrow · Posted
Thanks for the comp. 1. Wingatui R7 1, 3. 2. Wingatui R8 4, 9. 3. Matamata R7 7, 11. 4. Randwick R4 1, 4. BB. 5. Flemington R5 1, 7. 6. Wingatui R9 3, 10. 7. Randwick R5 1, 7. BB. 8. Flemington R6 4, 5. 9. Wingatui R10 2, 3. 10. Flemington R7 4, 7. 11. Randwick R7 2, 3. 12. Flemington R8 1, 7. -
By say no more · Posted
who the heck chose this format!?? 1. Wingatui R7- 3/12 2. Wingatui R8- 1/14 3. Matamata R7- 2/3 4. Randwick R4- 1/4 5. Flemington R5- 3/4 6. Wingatui R9- 5/11 7. Randwick R5- 3/10 8. Flemington R6- 11/12 9. Wingatui R10- 2/6 10. Flemington R7- 4/7 BB 11. Randwick R7- 3/9 12. Flemington R8- 2/7 BB -
Reliable sources tell me NZTR have not had any discussions with Fletcher building and journo who wrote this article was told that.
🐷Oink oink🐷 What a lot of rabble you post at times. At times? most of the time....
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