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By say no more · Posted
Week 4 - Randwick R7 (11 of 12) Only 3 on the short priced Lady S, with two of them eliminated. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL LIVES LOST NEXT RACE Pete Lane 17.07 444.29 0 2/12 Pegasus 17.79 420.96 2 1/12 Hall 9.86 368.39 1 7/12 Foxmerts 17.79 367.90 0 3/11 Mr gee 17.07 349.69 2 3/10 Canterbury Man 4.57 332.17 1 10/12 Kilcoyne 17.07 328.32 0 1/7 BB Seddon 16.91 301.02 1 1/12 BB Black Kirrama 33.81 293.54 2 2/11 Ponderosa 33.81 293.54 2 2/3 Koriokaramea 9.86 283.78 1 3/10 Peter RS 14.57 274.21 0 10/11 Majestic 9.70 257.75 1 10/15 Pure Steel 9.70 251.67 1 1/10 Joan 19.71 241.06 2 8/14 Von Cettes 17.79 235.32 1 7/10 BB Aaron 6.61 217.94 2 1/12 Sayer 17.07 216.82 1 1/3 BB Blaird 19.71 216.60 0 10/11 Richie 5.71 210.94 1 1/11 Seakem 8.97 210.89 1 10/11 Dogzstar -72.36 183.23 2 7/12 BB Jayar 19.39 178.38 0 1/3 BB Al Feilding 17.79 169.93 2 1/7 Pheroz 8.97 169.88 2 5/7 Reacher 9.70 154.39 2 1/3 Houlahan 6.57 145.00 1 1/12 BB Gubellini 7.01 142.20 1 8/10 Winner69 -128.85 242.31 3 7/12 Chestnut -72.36 59.13 3 7/12 BB Insider 19.71 194.75 3 2/8 BB Ohokaman 35.58 376.99 3 2/10 Alf 17.07 298.52 3 7/12 Floyd Pink 15.55 209.28 4 7/12 BB Kiwignome 35.58 188.77 3 10/12 BB Say No More 7.61 179.68 3 2/7 BB Scooby 17.07 272.57 3 7/12 BB Maximus 17.07 221.39 4 5/8 Manfield 17.07 218.53 4 1/7 Lucasduke 7.49 205.47 3 1/10 Montydrum 8.38 96.60 4 3/10 Pak Star 17.07 236.89 4 5/7 High Sparrow 17.07 198.72 4 1/7 Basil Brush 25.00 198.06 5 2/7 Jack 15.55 275.33 5 3/5 Kloppite 5.11 154.99 5 2/7 BB -
We need to keep an eye on the names behind the NSW/Australian debacle, as they'll likely resurface as the next imported band of "experts" to run thoroughbred racing in New Zealand.
By tripple alliance · Posted
Easy , just don't join NATO , Zelensky had a choice stay neutral or continue on and the path of joining NATO, Putin took the prospect of Ukraine becoming a NATO member as a threat to Russia . At the June 2021 Brussels summit, NATO leaders reiterated the statement made at the 2008 Bucharest summit that Ukraine would eventually join NATO. In late 2021, there was another massive Russian military buildup around Ukraine. Now no country can join NATO if that country is at war which when you think about it committed Putin to create a war . -
Really glad that he showed he is up to Group 1 company in Australia. I didn't think he would be so happy to be proven wrong.
By We're Doomed · Posted
Interesting article today about most of the NSW novelty races losing their group and listed status. Good to see some common sense prevailing.. https://www.anzbloodstocknews.com/editions/2025-03/01/web/index.html -
By We're Doomed · Posted
Big effort from Savaglee I thought. And brilliant quinella. I'm sure the connections are pleased they went in that direction. An Aussie group 1 placing worth a lot more long term than winning or placing in a restricted entry race. -
By uncleremus · Posted
Feroce has just won the G1 Australian Guineas, beating NZ's highest rated 3 yo Savaglee. Feroce ran 2nd in the Caulfield Guineas in the Spring, beating Evaporate (3rd) and Public Attention (5th), who are both in the slot race. -
Yes I reckon he is possibly the best in NZ . In the NZ cup he was very unlucky and I think it showed just how good he is . He can zip a very quick half as well . I would love to see him up against DSD and Merlin I reckon he is good enough to beat them , even the top ones in Aussie . Will be interesting to see how he goes when he returns
By say no more · Posted
Week 4 - Flemington R7 (10 of 12) Only 5 lives lost on Marble Arch and only one further elimination (Insider). NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL LIVES LOST NEXT RACE Pete Lane 48.37 427.22 0 2/3 Pegasus 81.17 403.17 2 2/6 Winner69 40.58 371.16 2 1/2 BB Hall 96.74 358.53 1 3/6 Foxmerts 96.74 350.11 0 2/6 Mr gee 43.50 332.63 2 2/3 Canterbury Man 61.45 327.60 1 3/4 Kilcoyne 48.37 311.26 0 2/3 Seddon 96.74 284.11 1 2/7 Koriokaramea 25.64 273.93 1 3/6 Black Kirrama 81.17 259.72 2 2/7 BB Ponderosa 81.17 259.72 2 2/7 BB Peter RS 43.50 259.64 0 2/5 Dogzstar 5.85 255.58 1 1/3 Majestic 51.71 248.05 1 6/7 Pure Steel 24.31 241.97 1 6/7 Joan 9.25 221.34 2 3/6 BB Von Cettes 20.50 217.53 1 2/6 Aaron 18.95 211.33 2 8/11 Richie 38.14 205.23 1 3/15 Seakem 14.45 201.92 1 3/7 Sayer 24.31 199.76 1 2/3 Blaird 57.13 196.89 0 3/6 BB Pheroz 6.45 160.91 2 3/7 Jayar 33.64 158.99 0 6/7 BB Al Feilding 1.46 152.14 2 2/6 Reacher 26.81 144.69 2 6/7 Houlahan 18.95 138.43 1 9/11 Gubellini 25.00 135.19 1 6/12 Chestnut 12.50 131.49 2 1/3 Insider 9.25 175.04 3 3/6 BB Ohokaman 96.74 341.41 3 2/6 BB Alf 58.36 281.45 3 2/3 Floyd Pink -3.89 193.73 4 2/9 Say No More 81.17 172.06 3 3/9 Kiwignome 30.36 153.19 3 2/6 BB Scooby 81.17 255.51 3 2/3 Maximus 2.92 204.32 4 2/3 Manfield 48.37 201.47 4 2/3 Lucasduke 18.95 197.98 3 7/8 Montydrum 6.33 88.22 4 6/8 Pak Star 38.14 219.83 4 2/3 High Sparrow 40.58 181.65 4 2/3 Basil Brush 48.37 173.06 5 2/4 BB Jack 40.58 259.78 5 2/9 Kloppite 24.31 149.87 5 5/9 -
Ask Obama and Biden who sat with their fingers up their arses and allowed it to happen never woulda happened under the Don
How do you avoid being INVADED you moron ? This will come back to bite the US, wait and see.
Yeah, like aligning himself with Russia - who is aligned with China and North Korea - is really winning. Your train has been derailed.
By We're Doomed · Posted
It's the bloody flashing lights that were pissing me off. I wish they could come up with something a bit original.
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