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    • The stable will be hoping Pride Of Jenni stays sound as they lose another champion mare.  
    • Lol . 50-1 would be good . It will be very interesting to see how DSD goes . Hayden seemed to have a purple patch as we know a while ago but the stable hasn't been firing much lately . Would have backed Mo'unga but for the draw won't be now . Nevermind will be a good race all the same
    • https://www.ttrausnz.com.au/edition/2025-03-18/unfinished-business-how-data-helped-jennis-return
    • good grief.  DSD 50-1 then.😋 So nation Number 1 Blair Orange is staying at Addington to drive Vessem and 'Sunny Louis' lol ? while all these rich Harness Million and FFA's are on at Auckland. Place has gone mad. Blair must be getting too old lol.  Cullen's young stable worker Olivia Thornley can't get a Big drive either.🙄  She does have  'Off The Edge' to drive at Addington though. and the star 4 race career winning 8 yearold 'Peraki Seelster'  in the juniors. 🤣 well she did get a Cullen drive their with Hadron Collider to be fair , so gets a nice drive. she ran 3rd in a Group 1 with it last season at one stage. At Alex Park, looks like Matty White got the 'We Walk By Faith' drive, and the champ AGH got the 'Wine light' one , so Cullen might just get a win yet ?😎👍  
    • I bought a Nord VPN which was useless in China (and they refunded my money) and now have a great one. It doesn't have a NZ link but I have tried using so many other countries that are fine with everything that is banned in China except the TAB What is Micky Mouse paying please?
    • RP is paying $3.80 and $1.55 . Mo'unga $4.60 and $1.70 and DSD $2.90 and $1.35 PS . Such a shame he drew the second row but you will be happy to know Craig is driving DSD so maybe Robbie Close is coming up 
    • From what I hear PS Ian Dobson wanted it to stay with the All Stars while others wanted the horse to go to Hayden's . But when Ian passed they were able to agree to send it to Hayden's 
    • When HRNZ publish their performance updates, it is noted under Turnover that;  " These wagering results do not include BETCHA betting activity" Does anybody know why?  surely Entain has to account for GBR from this platform?
    • As they are part of the government now maybe just put a freeze on rates rises for 12 months pending a review of each councils spending, well it's a start.
    • Do they have a Market for that race Charlie?  we won't get one in Aus till Friday.  'Mo' is no chance if CF driving it 😉.  Republican Party got the very outside gate again . super bad luck after the way he whizzed home last Friday from last turning in to get 4th. (when also drew the outside barrier) What a great horse he is turning into.? Carter Dalgety (and the the whole stable) must be super proud of him. 
    • What ever you do, don't mention only 3 horses, that will make us look bad considering all the hype we have generated; HRNZ news 10th February, " We have more and more 2YO's racing all the time and HRNZ in conjunction with Entain are keen to support this trend throughout 2025" " The number of 2YO's that raced increased from 18 to 21 percent of the crop in 2024 and that number will only rise" Well maybe, the 2YO crop racing this year is from the breeding of 2037 mares, an increase of 1.6%, or 32 mares from those served that produced last years 2YO's, not sure of the breakdown between Pacing and Trotting, or if the increase was more towards Trotting. That was the last year that there was an increase in numbers bred, we are now down to 1552, a drop of 24% from the 21/22 season, if they do manage to get another 3 horses racing this year, it will be the last increase in the foreseeable future.
    • Well he did go to Haydens for a small bit when being worked up in early prep wor last year leading towards NZ Cup. Hayden Cullen was a a very important Allstars member for a long time. ( especially when Natalie retired with the 'Main' Allstars brand 'ended'  at the end of the 2020 On New Years Eve )  But to give the horse the Best NZ Cup preparation in order to Win it,  it was best for him (DSD) to be at Rolleston with the Fantastic facilities there. Nearly paid off too , as he only just got Pipped in the Cup by Swayzee. He is a fabulous horse.  Have they ALL left Rolleston now ? that could be the reason? . Mark already gone back to the North Island to live/train. 
    • Seymour ,  Today I announced that, for the first time ever, ACT is looking to stand common-sense candidates in this year's local council elections. New Zealanders voted for real change in 2023 – but we've heard loud and clear that your council missed the memo.  Ratepayers are being squeezed harder than ever, yet local politicians continue to waste money, neglect basic services, and push ideological agendas that most Kiwis never asked for. We're encouraging our supporters to get involved, and support ACT Local. That is how we get real change and lower rates in councils. With an ACT councillor, you’d know where your representative stands. In Parliament we've staked our reputation on delivering the basics well, scrapping wasteful spending, and taking race out of politics. In local government we'd do the same. If you’re sick of seeing your hard-earned rates wasted, now’s your chance to do something about it.   An ACT Councillor would be committed to:  Delivering the basics well. That means fixing the roads and pipes, and collecting the rubbish.   Scrapping wasteful spending. You work hard for your rates so we'd cut out the vanity projects and stick to doing what only council can do.   Ending the war on cars. We depend on our cars to get to work, pick up our kids, and live our lives. ACT councillors would reject anti-car ideology, prioritise fixing potholes, and let local residents decide how they want to travel.  Taking race out of local politics. ACT councillors would champion equal rights, opposing race-based representation and woke procurement so that council decisions benefit all ratepayers, regardless of ethnicity.  Being accountable to you. Too much of what councils do happens behind closed doors, orchestrated by unelected, faceless bureaucrats. We'd bring transparency and force accountability for anyone spending your money. Keeping rates down. ACT councillors would bring solutions to keep rates down and vote against rate hikes that fail to respect the pressures faced by households.
    • Funny isn't after that dude won over $716k on a greyhound multi and they allowed that 
    • Gotta love this one 🤣. Republican state lawmakers are set to introduce a new bill proposing that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is officially defined as a mental illness. Five Minnesota Senators are due to propose the legislation to the Health and Human Services committee on Monday, according to Fox 9.  The bill’s authors Eric Lucero, Steve Drazkowski, Nathan Wesenberg, Justin Eichorn, and Glenn H. Gruenhagen, described the faux “syndrome” as the “acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump.” Symptoms include “Trump-induced general hysteria,” where a person struggles to distinguish between “legitimate policy” and “psychic pathology,” which is expressed with verbal hostility or acts of aggression against Trump and his MAGA supporters, according to the proposed legislation. If passed, TDS could be added to a lengthy list of mental-health-related definitions in Minnesota. 🤣
    • China blocks a lot of things including gmail and dodgy sites on Google . I assume they are against gambling so won't let you access that . Try other search engines . I recall I did years ago but can't remember what it was 
    • Hmmm always bad when Kango draws the front because no doubt he will probably lead and Mo'unga will end up 3 back . Knowing Butch he will walk them and sprint home . I think I will just watch from my couch lol 
    • Cmon Mitey tell him he is strange always looking for the bent ones.
    • Is Rachelle Madd a card-carrying member of the LGBTQ alphabet I knew you find her Hokey.
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