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By Hedley Jordan · Posted
https://www.facebook.com/reel/1118975363040072 One World Government -
That's what I said, they did put the sprinkler on some areas to make it even in the past, I know this because my dad was Track Manager there for a lot of years. The track can be patchy when left as it is when there has been a lot of rain due to the make of the ground below. This in some cases is due to the camber, but after heavy rain it can be due to the drainage or lack of in some cases.
By scooby3051 · Posted
Track looked pretty fair for the first running on from everywhere... -
By Pure Steel · Posted
1. Trentham R7/ 1 - 11 2. Trentham R8/ 1 - 2 3. Trentham R9/ 4 - 9 4. Rosehill R2/ 7 - 8 5. Rosehill R6/ 2 - 3 6. Rosehill R7/ 2 - 10 BB 7. Rosehill R8/ 1 - 12 8. Rosehill R9/ 3 - 11 9. Moonee Valley R7/ 1- 6 10. Moonee Valley R8/ 2 - 3 11. Moonee Valley R9/ 1 - 7 BB 12. Moonee Valley R10/ 3 - 10 thanks John. Have a great Day !! 🏇💰 -
By scooby3051 · Posted
So how do you know they did not do this to ensure an even track...its easy for CM to just simply knock things without having actual facts...his assumption does not make it correct. -
Actually what CM is saying regarding differences around the track is not too far off. The Trentham track has an old river bed below it and in a lot of places there is heavy rock formation once you dig down a couple of feet, this was unfortunately highlighted when a pipe needed to be dug up right across the track where the winning post is, some years ago.. If you get a lot of rain it very quickly turns boggy which we have seen happen over the years and it can take a while for certain areas to dry out due to this. To get an even track in past years the sprinklers have come out over specific areas. And you know I'm not a naysayer Scooby Adore Trentham.. grew up on the track and still consider it home!
Oh so close and Blind Stipes never even asked the question of Ferguson re the 2yr old.$1.14 said it all
A great afternoon of racing both sides of the ditch 1. Trentham R7 2,5 2. Trentham R8 1 3. Trentham R9 2,9 BB 4. Rosehill R2 3,11 5. Rosehill R6 1,7 6. Rosehill R7 2,5 7. Rosehill R8 7,12 8. Rosehill R9 3,14 9. Moonee Valley R7 2,5 10. Moonee Valley R8 1,2 11. Moonee Valley R9 1,6 BB 12. Moonee Valley R10 10,11
By scooby3051 · Posted
Ha ha maybe you should apply for a track managers job, you seem to know more than they do whether it be here, Riccarton or Ellerslie, I can not believe they are not chasing you to be involved with all this so called knowledge you have...no wonder Suloon girl is impressed....🤡 -
By Ponderosa8 · Posted
1. Trentham R7: 11 BB 2. Trentham R8: 5, 10 3. Trentham R9: 10, 17 4. Rosehill R2: 7, 8 5. Rosehill R6: 1, 11 6. Rosehill R7: 2 BB 7. Rosehill R8: 1, 13 8. Rosehill R9: 3, 6 9. Moonee Valley R7: 4 10. Moonee Valley R8: 2, 5 11. Moonee Valley R9: 2 12. Moonee Valley R10: 8, 10 Tough day but a few single selections for a change.. Thanks John and Scooby.. -
1. Trentham R7 1, 3 2. Trentham R8 1, 4 3. Trentham R9 2, 9 4. Rosehill R2 7, 14 BB 5. Rosehill R6 1, 3 6. Rosehill R7 1, 2 7. Rosehill R8 8, 12 BB 8. Rosehill R9 5, 13 9. Moonee Valley R7 1, 4 10. Moonee Valley R8 4, 9 11. Moonee Valley R9 1, 7 12. Moonee Valley R10 7, 8 Thanks SNM & Scooby
By Aaron The Anchor · Posted
1. Trentham R7 - 1 and 4 2. Trentham R8 - 1 and 5 3. Trentham R9 - 2 and 12 best 4. Rosehill R2 - 7 and 8 5. Rosehill R6 - 1 and 4 6. Rosehill R7 - 2 and 10 7. Rosehill R8 - 1 and 12 8. Rosehill R9 - 11 and 13 9. Moonee Valley R7 - 1 and 2 10. Moonee Valley R8 - 3 and 5 best 11. Moonee Valley R9 - 5 and 7 12. Moonee Valley R10 - 7 -
By RacingJackReacher · Posted
1. Trentham R7 4 | 13 2. Trentham R8 1 | 2 3. Trentham R9 5 | 13 4. Rosehill R2 5 | 14 BB 5. Rosehill R6 2 | 3 6. Rosehill R7 1 | 10 BB 7. Rosehill R8 14 | 16 8. Rosehill R9 6 | 14 9. Moonee Valley R7 1 | 3 10. Moonee Valley R8 1 | 5 11. Moonee Valley R9 4 | 7 12. Moonee Valley R10 8 | 10 Many Thanks For Organising -
Trentham R7 2/ 4 bb 2. Trentham R8 2 / 3 bb 3. Trentham R9 3/ 15 4. Rosehill R2 3/ 8 5. Rosehill R6 2 / 3 6. Rosehill R7 1/ 5 7. Rosehill R8 2 /4 8. Rosehill R9 6 / 12 9. Moonee Valley R7 2 /6 10. Moonee Valley R8 2/ 9 11. Moonee Valley R9 3/ 4 12 3/15
1. Trentham R7 =-1x16 2. Trentham R8 =-1x7 3. Trentham R9 =-4x13 BB 4. Rosehill R2 =-5x8 5. Rosehill R6 =-2x11 6. Rosehill R7 =-3x10 7. Rosehill R8 =-8x15 8. Rosehill R9 =-3x14 9.Moonee Valley R7 =-3x4 10.Moonee Valley R8 =-5x13 11.Moonee Valley R9 =-1x5 12 Moonee Valley R10 =-7x10 BB Many thanks guys!!
Interesting card at Trentham with a few coming back from Aussie. R3 Gentian Blue $4.80 - might be too sharp for her fresh but has quality. R6 Fall for Cindy $21/5 - been ridden on speed, needs to be ridden quieter. Best OZ form right in this. R8 Oaks - Lucy too short. Dubai Gold $21/4 and Alaskan $ 35/6 both better value and should stay. R9 Puketiro $23 - in and out sort. Nice trial and blinkers on. Express Yourself $7 - raced in good company in OZ. Set for this.
By Black Kirrama · Posted
1. Trentham R7 3, 4 2. Trentham R8 1 3. Trentham R9 5, 10 BB 4. Rosehill R2 2, 3, 5. Rosehill R6 1, 2 6. Rosehill R7 1 , 7 BB 7. Rosehill R8 1, 2 8. Rosehill R9 3, 6 9. Moonee Valley R7 2, 3 10. Moonee Valley R8 1, 4 11. Moonee Valley R9 1 12. Moonee Valley R10 10 Good luck on Ha Ha 's slipper day .About 21 years ago. -
By Canterbury Man · Posted
No I don't "hate the place". I just object to what is either the manipulation or short cuts taken with regard to the track readings. The track ratings bear no relationship to the moisture meter readings. Nor do race times and there is a significant difference in actual ratings and the various parts of the track. There is no evidence that a penetrometer is used to give any of the ratings. Essentially they are unreliable and there have been a number of instances where the ratings have affected trainers decisions when those particular ratings have been wrong. That said the issue I've highlighted just doesn't happen at Trentham but at other tracks as well. In many respects it challenges the integrity of our racing from a training and wagering perspective. If the industry continues to put its head in the sand on the issue or turn a blind eye then there is only one outcome.
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