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By say no more · Posted
So I'm sorry to say, for all those "C" graders who finished outside the top 4 (ie, Canterbury Man and below), your race is run and you have been eliminated from the competition. Thanks for taking part. Everyone else, including the 8 who had this week off, you get to do it all over again next week - see you then -
By say no more · Posted
The "A" graders had the week off Liz but yes five of the "C" graders scored more than any of the "B" graders. Of course anything can happen on a single day, and they were "C" graders because on average over 7 rounds of qualifying they didn't do as well as the "B" graders -
By blackcaviar56 · Posted
Yep good on them it's always a big punt standing stallions and great result for Hilal today as you said 1/2 to a slipper winner and he was a great 2yo himself but ran into a superstar in Anamoe a couple of times. -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R10 - Final race Majestic holds on to win the 9-24 bracket, while Chestnut holds out Scooby in the lucky loser group. Joan nabs Canterbury Man to take the 4th and last lucky loser spot - perhaps there is a racing god after all!? NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Majestic 82.20 612.00 Aaron 76.00 577.00 Kiwignome 74.00 532.00 Reacher 0.00 523.00 Montydrum 38.00 509.00 Peter RS 37.00 501.00 Kloppite 23.00 498.00 Ohokaman 76.00 454.00 Pete Lane 38.00 447.40 Kilcoyne 37.00 427.60 Von Cettes 38.00 421.00 Richie 38.00 420.00 Floyd Pink 23.00 389.40 Hall 82.20 264.20 Black Kirrama 0.00 253.00 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Chestnut 82.20 1123.60 Scooby 23.00 1034.40 Blaird 23.00 752.40 Joan 23.00 644.00 Canterbury Man 0.00 622.40 Foxmerts 37.00 579.00 Maximus 164.40 565.40 Dogzstar 76.00 531.80 Insider 38.00 511.80 Lucasduke 0.00 498.40 Seakem 38.00 487.00 Koriokaramea 0.00 443.00 Arjay 0.00 437.00 Pak Star 0.00 408.00 Mr gee 23.00 372.00 Winner69 38.00 341.00 Ponderosa 0.00 333.40 Houlahan 38.00 329.00 Pure Steel 23.00 328.00 Alf 38.00 269.00 Seddon 46.00 206.00 Manfield 46.00 205.00 -
Gee whiz, the "B" graders were much better than the "A" graders. at least at the top of the tables.
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Rosehill R9 (11 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 13 Private Harry Ashley Morgan 4.00 1.80 8 Front Page Tim Clark 3.50 2 Uncommon James Damian Lane 9.00 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 8,13 28.10 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Majestic 0.00 529.80 Reacher 0.00 523.00 Aaron 58.00 501.00 Kloppite 116.00 475.00 Montydrum 58.00 471.00 Peter RS 0.00 464.00 Kiwignome 116.00 458.00 Pete Lane 58.00 409.40 Kilcoyne 58.00 390.60 Von Cettes 58.00 383.00 Richie 58.00 382.00 Ohokaman 58.00 378.00 Floyd Pink 0.00 366.40 Black Kirrama 0.00 253.00 Hall 0.00 182.00 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Chestnut 0.00 1041.40 Scooby 0.00 1011.40 Blaird 0.00 729.40 Canterbury Man 58.00 622.40 Joan 35.00 621.00 Foxmerts 148.00 542.00 Lucasduke 58.00 498.40 Insider 0.00 473.80 Dogzstar 0.00 455.80 Seakem 0.00 449.00 Koriokaramea 0.00 443.00 Arjay 35.00 437.00 Pak Star 58.00 408.00 Maximus 0.00 401.00 Mr gee 0.00 349.00 Ponderosa 0.00 333.40 Pure Steel 0.00 305.00 Winner69 0.00 303.00 Houlahan 0.00 291.00 Alf 0.00 231.00 Seddon 0.00 160.00 Manfield 0.00 159.00 -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R9 (10 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 4 Schwarz Jamie Mott 5.70 2.30 5 Benedetta Daniel Stackhouse 2.60 1 Jimmysstar Ethan Brown 1.30 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 4,5 25.90 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Majestic 157.80 529.80 Reacher 80.00 523.00 Peter RS 26.00 464.00 Aaron 26.00 443.00 Montydrum 13.00 413.00 Floyd Pink 80.00 366.40 Kloppite 80.00 359.00 Pete Lane 13.00 351.40 Kiwignome 13.00 342.00 Kilcoyne 157.80 332.60 Von Cettes 78.00 325.00 Richie 39.00 324.00 Ohokaman 26.00 320.00 Black Kirrama 26.00 253.00 Hall 13.00 182.00 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Chestnut 39.00 1041.40 Scooby 13.00 1011.40 Blaird 157.80 729.40 Joan 26.00 586.00 Canterbury Man 13.00 564.40 Insider 78.00 473.80 Dogzstar 39.00 455.80 Seakem 13.00 449.00 Koriokaramea 0.00 443.00 Lucasduke 13.00 440.40 Arjay 13.00 402.00 Maximus 13.00 401.00 Foxmerts 52.00 394.00 Pak Star 13.00 350.00 Mr gee 80.00 349.00 Ponderosa 0.00 333.40 Pure Steel 26.00 305.00 Winner69 39.00 303.00 Houlahan 26.00 291.00 Alf 13.00 231.00 Seddon 0.00 160.00 Manfield 0.00 159.00 -
Interesting ride on trav, quite the opposite to his usual pattern.
No can't remember that one Spike . Only young horse on the Property was Wet Again that I remember but Dave Smith owned him . Murray Miller used to bring over Mountain Haze he was a young horse too wasn't him you were thinking of ?.
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Rosehill R8 (9 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 16 Marhoona Damian Lane 9.20 3.30 8 Wodeton James McDonald 2.00 13 Tempted Blake Shinn 1.80 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 8,16 28.70 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Reacher 125.00 443.00 Peter RS 0.00 438.00 Aaron 0.00 417.00 Montydrum 40.00 400.00 Majestic 76.00 372.00 Pete Lane 20.00 338.40 Kiwignome 125.00 329.00 Ohokaman 0.00 294.00 Floyd Pink 40.00 286.40 Richie 20.00 285.00 Kloppite 38.00 279.00 Von Cettes 18.00 247.00 Black Kirrama 0.00 227.00 Kilcoyne 0.00 174.80 Hall 0.00 169.00 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Chestnut 250.00 1002.40 Scooby 20.00 998.40 Blaird 20.00 571.60 Joan 143.00 560.00 Canterbury Man 0.00 551.40 Koriokaramea 0.00 443.00 Seakem 36.00 436.00 Lucasduke 20.00 427.40 Dogzstar 20.00 416.80 Insider 202.40 395.80 Arjay 0.00 389.00 Maximus 20.00 388.00 Foxmerts 40.00 342.00 Pak Star 40.00 337.00 Ponderosa 18.00 333.40 Pure Steel 0.00 279.00 Mr gee 0.00 269.00 Houlahan 0.00 265.00 Winner69 20.00 264.00 Alf 40.00 218.00 Seddon 0.00 160.00 Manfield 0.00 159.00 -
By scooby3051 · Posted
Congrats Chestnut to big and strong late...well done...thanks as always SNM for another great days scoring. -
By scooby3051 · Posted
Nah mate they cant say anything good these two...especially CM he is a stirrer..and nobody gives a toss what he says. -
As per normal the chute may or probably was firmer than the main course as it possibly didn't get the 8 ml of irrigation on Monday night, but it still got the 20ml of rain over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. One can only say that the main course with 8ml of irrigation on Monday night + the 20ml over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday shows how well that the track performs over the Summer and Autumn.
Bill Smith owned a 2year old with plenty of ability but a bit wayward - do you recall it's name?
Mark and Jane Corcoran will have sore heads tomorrow morning. As well as their stallion Derryn getting his first Grp One with Lieca Lucy they will have just watched the half sister of their new stallion Hilal, win the Slipper.
By tripple alliance · Posted
Might be a little misleading at least 50% plus of the race was run on the firm Trentham chute . -
By say no more · Posted
Heading out now for dinner so final results will be posted later this evening. -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R8 (8 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 5 Grinzinger Belle Declan Bates 3.70 1.90 2 Wrote To Arataki Dean Yendall 1.90 13 Another Prophet Ethan Brown 2.40 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 2,5 10.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Peter RS 19.00 438.00 7/12 Aaron 112.00 417.00 1/12 Montydrum 0.00 360.00 8/12 BB Pete Lane 43.00 318.40 8/12 Reacher 56.00 318.00 14/16 Majestic 0.00 296.00 8/13 BB Ohokaman 24.00 294.00 1/10 Richie 0.00 265.00 8/12 Floyd Pink 0.00 246.40 5/8 BB Kloppite 19.00 241.00 8/13 Von Cettes 0.00 229.00 12/13 Black Kirrama 0.00 227.00 1/2 Kiwignome 0.00 204.00 5/16 Kilcoyne 38.00 174.80 1/7 BB Hall 48.00 169.00 2/12 BB Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 24.00 978.40 3/8 Chestnut 43.00 752.40 12/16 BB Blaird 19.00 551.60 1/8 Canterbury Man 24.00 551.40 1/7 Koriokaramea 24.00 443.00 1/5 Joan 95.00 417.00 13/16 Lucasduke 0.00 407.40 1/8 Seakem 48.00 400.00 13 Dogzstar 80.00 396.80 8/15 Arjay 19.00 389.00 1/7 Maximus 56.00 368.00 2/8 Ponderosa 95.00 315.40 1/13 Foxmerts 112.00 302.00 8 Pak Star 56.00 297.00 5/8 BB Pure Steel 19.00 279.00 1/12 Mr gee 19.00 269.00 2/4 Houlahan 19.00 265.00 1/7 Winner69 0.00 244.00 6/8 Insider 0.00 193.40 8/16 Alf 56.00 178.00 6/8 BB Seddon 0.00 160.00 12 BB Manfield 0.00 159.00 4
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