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By say no more · Posted
Heading out now for dinner so final results will be posted later this evening. -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R8 (8 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 5 Grinzinger Belle Declan Bates 3.70 1.90 2 Wrote To Arataki Dean Yendall 1.90 13 Another Prophet Ethan Brown 2.40 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 2,5 10.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Peter RS 19.00 438.00 7/12 Aaron 112.00 417.00 1/12 Montydrum 0.00 360.00 8/12 BB Pete Lane 43.00 318.40 8/12 Reacher 56.00 318.00 14/16 Majestic 0.00 296.00 8/13 BB Ohokaman 24.00 294.00 1/10 Richie 0.00 265.00 8/12 Floyd Pink 0.00 246.40 5/8 BB Kloppite 19.00 241.00 8/13 Von Cettes 0.00 229.00 12/13 Black Kirrama 0.00 227.00 1/2 Kiwignome 0.00 204.00 5/16 Kilcoyne 38.00 174.80 1/7 BB Hall 48.00 169.00 2/12 BB Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 24.00 978.40 3/8 Chestnut 43.00 752.40 12/16 BB Blaird 19.00 551.60 1/8 Canterbury Man 24.00 551.40 1/7 Koriokaramea 24.00 443.00 1/5 Joan 95.00 417.00 13/16 Lucasduke 0.00 407.40 1/8 Seakem 48.00 400.00 13 Dogzstar 80.00 396.80 8/15 Arjay 19.00 389.00 1/7 Maximus 56.00 368.00 2/8 Ponderosa 95.00 315.40 1/13 Foxmerts 112.00 302.00 8 Pak Star 56.00 297.00 5/8 BB Pure Steel 19.00 279.00 1/12 Mr gee 19.00 269.00 2/4 Houlahan 19.00 265.00 1/7 Winner69 0.00 244.00 6/8 Insider 0.00 193.40 8/16 Alf 56.00 178.00 6/8 BB Seddon 0.00 160.00 12 BB Manfield 0.00 159.00 4 -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Rosehill R7 (7 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 5 Gringotts Tommy Berry 6.10 2.10 10 Fangirl James McDonald 1.50 1 Ceolwulf Chad Schofield 1.60 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 5,10 16.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Peter RS 82.00 419.00 1/2 Montydrum 16.00 360.00 4/9 Aaron 15.00 305.00 3/5 BB Majestic 15.00 296.00 1/4 Pete Lane 15.00 275.40 2/13 Ohokaman 31.00 270.00 1/13 Richie 31.00 265.00 1/4 BB Reacher 62.00 262.00 1/5 Floyd Pink 15.00 246.40 1/4 Von Cettes 16.00 229.00 1 Black Kirrama 32.00 227.00 1/4 Kloppite 30.00 222.00 2/4 Kiwignome 82.00 204.00 1/3 Kilcoyne 15.00 136.80 2/4 BB Hall 31.00 121.00 4/13 BB Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 32.00 954.40 7/13 Chestnut 0.00 709.40 2/13 Blaird 16.00 532.60 1/2 Canterbury Man 31.00 527.40 4/13 Koriokaramea 31.00 419.00 9/13 Lucasduke 15.00 407.40 3/12 Arjay 129.00 370.00 2/3 Seakem 30.00 352.00 13 Joan 15.00 322.00 2/5 Dogzstar 15.00 316.80 5/13 Maximus 82.00 312.00 1/5 Pure Steel 30.00 260.00 2/3 Mr gee 98.00 250.00 2/9 Houlahan 0.00 246.00 2/4 Winner69 0.00 244.00 6/12 Pak Star 31.00 241.00 3/5 Ponderosa 0.00 220.40 2/5 Insider 16.00 193.40 1/4 Foxmerts 16.00 190.00 5/12 BB Seddon 16.00 160.00 1/4 Manfield 15.00 159.00 7 Alf 16.00 122.00 1/5 -
By scooby3051 · Posted
Great training performance Robbie Patterson and Craig Grylls and his team, must be bitter sweet for them but he has done a great job to keep her at her peak for months...congrats to everyone. Very fair track all day...despite the naysayer....well done -
By Hedley Jordan · Posted
https://www.facebook.com/reel/837471511885963 Drag Queens and children -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R7 (6 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 2 Cilacap Jordan Childs 8.60 2.20 1 Too Darn Lizzie Craig Williams 1.20 6 Phenom Beau Mertens 2.90 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,2 8.00 At the halfway mark, things are pretty tight in the race for the top 8 spots in the 9-24 bracket. Scooby & Chestnut in good shape to take two of the four lucky loser spots. NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Montydrum 12.00 344.00 1/2 Peter RS 108.00 337.00 2/5 Aaron 136.00 290.00 2/10 Majestic 108.00 281.00 2/10 Pete Lane 12.00 260.40 10/11 Ohokaman 136.00 239.00 1/10 Richie 12.00 234.00 1/10 Floyd Pink 12.00 231.40 8/10 Von Cettes 41.00 213.00 1/3 Reacher 12.00 200.00 1/10 BB Black Kirrama 108.00 195.00 1/7 BB Kloppite 12.00 192.00 2/10 BB Kiwignome 12.00 122.00 2/5 Kilcoyne 12.00 121.80 3/10 Hall 12.00 90.00 1/10 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 12.00 922.40 1/11 BB Chestnut 137.00 709.40 2/7 Blaird 136.00 516.60 1/2 Canterbury Man 216.00 496.40 1/10 Lucasduke 136.00 392.40 2/10 Koriokaramea 0.00 388.00 1/10 Seakem 0.00 322.00 10 Joan 136.00 307.00 2/10 Dogzstar 0.00 301.80 3/10 Houlahan 136.00 246.00 2/11 Winner69 29.00 244.00 3 Arjay 108.00 241.00 5/10 Pure Steel 41.00 230.00 2/10 BB Maximus 0.00 230.00 2/5 Ponderosa 0.00 220.40 2 BB Pak Star 29.00 210.00 1/10 Insider 12.00 177.40 1/3 Foxmerts 12.00 174.00 1/2 Mr gee 137.00 152.00 1/5 Manfield 0.00 144.00 7/10 Seddon 24.00 144.00 1/2 Alf 12.00 106.00 1/2 -
Thanks Foxmerts. For some reason I wrote down Thrilling for 4th and I hadn't had a drink at that stage 😂
By Hedley Jordan · Posted
https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=2091555621264374 Fraud and Laundering -
By Canterbury Man · Posted
So Trentham has gone from a Soft 6 to a Good 2 between the first and last race? 1:06.63 in the Lightening. 0.1 off the track record. Seriously? -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Rosehill R6 (5 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 1 Broadsiding James McDonald 2.80 1.10 11 Aeliana Jason Collett 1.70 3 Swiftfalcon Tyler Schiller 1.50 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,11 6.70 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Montydrum 54.00 332.00 1/4 Pete Lane 69.40 248.40 1/3 Peter RS 39.00 229.00 2/5 Richie 17.00 222.00 1/4 Floyd Pink 69.40 219.40 1/4 Reacher 15.00 188.00 1/3 Kloppite 30.00 180.00 1/3 Majestic 39.00 173.00 2/4 Von Cettes 60.00 172.00 1/6 Aaron 39.00 154.00 1/2 Kiwignome 15.00 110.00 1/4 Kilcoyne 39.00 109.80 1/4 Ohokaman 15.00 103.00 1/2 Black Kirrama 39.00 87.00 2/3 Hall 54.00 78.00 1/3 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 30.00 910.40 1/4 Chestnut 69.40 572.40 2/6 Koriokaramea 30.00 388.00 4/9 Blaird 108.00 380.60 1/2 Seakem 54.00 322.00 3/4 Dogzstar 17.00 301.80 3/4 Canterbury Man 69.40 280.40 2/4 BB Lucasduke 69.40 256.40 1/2 Maximus 0.00 230.00 5/9 Ponderosa 69.40 220.40 4 Winner69 39.00 215.00 3/6 Pure Steel 15.00 189.00 1/6 Pak Star 39.00 181.00 4/6 Joan 54.00 171.00 1/2 Insider 69.40 165.40 1/4 Foxmerts 78.00 162.00 1/3 Manfield 78.00 144.00 5 BB Arjay 54.00 133.00 2/3 Seddon 17.00 120.00 1 Houlahan 0.00 110.00 1/2 Alf 39.00 94.00 1/5 Mr gee 15.00 15.00 2/6 -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Trentham R9 (4 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 9 Glamour Tycoon Wiremu Pinn 5.00 2.10 12 Platinum Attack Matt Cartwright 1.80 13 Fancy Like Lass Kate Hercock 6.70 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 9,12 8.90 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Montydrum 71.00 278.00 1/3 Richie 71.00 205.00 4/11 Peter RS 142.00 190.00 1/7 Pete Lane 134.00 179.00 1/11 Reacher 67.00 173.00 2/3 Floyd Pink 71.00 150.00 1/11 Kloppite 71.00 150.00 3 Majestic 0.00 134.00 1/4 Aaron 36.00 115.00 1/4 Von Cettes 0.00 112.00 3 BB Kiwignome 71.00 95.00 2/3 Ohokaman 0.00 88.00 2/3 Kilcoyne 0.00 70.80 1/4 Black Kirrama 0.00 48.00 1/2 Hall 0.00 24.00 1/3 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 0.00 880.40 2/3 BB Chestnut 0.00 503.00 1/11 Koriokaramea 138.00 358.00 3 Dogzstar 134.00 284.80 2/11 Blaird 71.00 272.60 1/3 BB Seakem 0.00 268.00 1/3 Maximus 142.00 230.00 2/7 Canterbury Man 142.00 211.00 1/11 Lucasduke 142.00 187.00 1/11 Winner69 18.00 176.00 1/2 Pure Steel 71.00 174.00 2/3 Ponderosa 0.00 151.00 1/11 Pak Star 142.00 142.00 1/4 Joan 0.00 117.00 1/3 Houlahan 0.00 110.00 2/4 Seddon 0.00 103.00 2/11 Insider 0.00 96.00 1/11 Foxmerts 36.00 84.00 1 Arjay 0.00 79.00 1/3 Manfield 0.00 66.00 1 Alf 0.00 55.00 1/2 Mr gee 0.00 0.00 2/3 -
By Hedley Jordan · Posted
https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=684348237262731 Pyramids Wowee -
Quite a few of the Aussie hopefuls racing at Melton, Menangle and Albion Park tonight.
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Trentham R8 (3 of 12) # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 1 Leica Lucy Craig Grylls 1.30 1.10 7 Dubai Gold Michael McNab 3.30 4 Myakkabelle Vinnie Colgan 3.10 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,7 6.90 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Montydrum 55.00 207.00 2/9 Majestic 24.00 134.00 2/10 Richie 24.00 134.00 2/9 Von Cettes 48.00 112.00 2/5 Reacher 24.00 106.00 5/13 Ohokaman 33.00 88.00 3/10 BB Aaron 24.00 79.00 2/12 BB Floyd Pink 24.00 79.00 4/9 Kloppite 24.00 79.00 2/9 Kilcoyne 70.80 70.80 2/4 Black Kirrama 48.00 48.00 5/10 BB Peter RS 48.00 48.00 2/9 BB Pete Lane 24.00 45.00 5/13 BB Hall 24.00 24.00 2/5 Kiwignome 24.00 24.00 2/9 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL NEXT RACE Scooby 33.00 880.40 2/3 Chestnut 24.00 503.00 4/16 Seakem 48.00 268.00 5 BB Koriokaramea 0.00 220.00 9/13 Blaird 110.00 201.60 3/9 Winner69 48.00 158.00 2/12 Ponderosa 0.00 151.00 10/17 Dogzstar 70.80 150.80 4/13 BB Joan 96.00 117.00 2/3 Houlahan 110.00 110.00 2/10 Pure Steel 24.00 103.00 4/9 Seddon 24.00 103.00 2/17 Insider 96.00 96.00 3 Maximus 33.00 88.00 2/9 BB Arjay 0.00 79.00 3/5 BB Canterbury Man 24.00 69.00 4/9 BB Manfield 66.00 66.00 5 Alf 0.00 55.00 6/18 Foxmerts 48.00 48.00 2/12 BB Lucasduke 24.00 45.00 9/10 BB Mr gee 0.00 0.00 3/15 Pak Star 0.00 0.00 9/11 BB
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