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That list brings back a lot of memories PS thanks for showing that . Derna as mentioned before , he was an exceptional trotter but he had all sorts of problems with his feet otherwise he could have been anything Estrada I remember Mike Close , Robbies dad winning on him at Cambridge at 50-1 . Kenyon he was a smart horse , used to be hard to catch in front . Jim had some handy horses over the years and it was really sad when he passed , he was so good to me
And Leap To Fame sat parked and ran a new track record of 1.48.6 at Albion Park without leaving second gear. He has not been announced in a slot but they said as he crossed the line that he's on his way to New Zealand, so hopefully that's accurate.
By Pure Steel · Posted
Write the cheque now Rakman. Put DON HUGO $500,000 collect now on it kiwiman. The Miracle Mile winner just went around in 1.49 cruising at Menangle tonight. I've rarely seen a horse win that easy going that fast before. Quarters were hard out in 26, home in 25 something on the clock . I think he is a machine rather than a horse sometimes. It's no fluke he is the Interdominion Champion as well. (and Eureka Slot champ too) so why not add the Betcha Mile to the List ? all over rover. -
By Pure Steel · Posted
Dave had a big chestnut Colt he loved so I had to scratch around for my NZ stable lists got all these old pages wrote down over years, (and you would of worked some of these Charlie) from NZ days to find it lol. 'Rainbow Song' . that was Daves favourite. but it never got going strong at all. was a striking looking Colt though. Bill Smith had a bit to do with Al Pacino . might of taken him to Aus to race even. By far and away Jim Smith's best Colt ever, was in the late 80's was Captain Lee . Brent Mangos drove it for 2nd in Both Derbies. He came up against future NZ Cup winner INKY LORD and at Addington the Grand circuit Oz Superstar WESTBURN GRANT won. 35 years ago this week that was. feels like yesterday. 😆 fancy coming up against those 2 in your Derby year .🙄. bit of rotten timing. -
A seventh Group 1 for VIA SISTINA in the Ranvet and it was ridiculously easy. FULL TIME FELICIA set the gallop (and she'll be a lot better for that run) - LINDERMANN took over at the top of the straight but James MacDonald had few worries and VIA SISTINA breezed by winning pretty much in third gear. I look forward to VIA SISTINA taking on VAUBAN down the road and on a line through LINDERMANN there wouldn't be much between them but she would still be my favourite. As said, I wouldn't rule out FULL TIME FELICIA who got tired. AL MUBHIR was last - he'll improve for the run I'm sure but he's a long way off these on form. ROYAL PATRONAGE ran well in the George Ryder but did too much too early and was just run down in the final 50m.
First three in the Lowland the first three in the Oaks so that's the kind of trial you want. The one who imnproved for the extra yardage was DUBAI GOLD though she was never going to get past the favourite who benefitted, I think, from the barrier draw which allowed her to get a good position and not travel an inch further than necessary. LEICA LUCY has the speed to get herself and her jockey out of trouble and she looked in trouble on the start of the home turn as she was momentarily pushed back but she was always going well enough to get position. She's a classic winner and a Group 1 winner so her place in the paddocks is set but presumably there are other targets - she seems so versatile - anything from 2000-2400m looks well within her compass.
Well done Scooby, Blaird and Joan! We get to rumble another day! 🙌
Yay! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a lucky loser group, I just thought I was joining in the fun very cool.
By scooby3051 · Posted
Good on them some of the good people in racing...may there be many more to come. -
By scooby3051 · Posted
Maybe because no pace on ...if he had sat back and got beat he would be getting rheemed again...maybe the horse did not back up after the Auck Cup...they are not machines. -
By say no more · Posted
So I'm sorry to say, for all those "C" graders who finished outside the top 4 (ie, Canterbury Man and below), your race is run and you have been eliminated from the competition. Thanks for taking part. Everyone else, including the 8 who had this week off, you get to do it all over again next week - see you then -
By say no more · Posted
The "A" graders had the week off Liz but yes five of the "C" graders scored more than any of the "B" graders. Of course anything can happen on a single day, and they were "C" graders because on average over 7 rounds of qualifying they didn't do as well as the "B" graders -
By blackcaviar56 · Posted
Yep good on them it's always a big punt standing stallions and great result for Hilal today as you said 1/2 to a slipper winner and he was a great 2yo himself but ran into a superstar in Anamoe a couple of times. -
By say no more · Posted
Play-Offs - Week 1 - Moonee Valley R10 - Final race Majestic holds on to win the 9-24 bracket, while Chestnut holds out Scooby in the lucky loser group. Joan nabs Canterbury Man to take the 4th and last lucky loser spot - perhaps there is a racing god after all!? NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Majestic 82.20 612.00 Aaron 76.00 577.00 Kiwignome 74.00 532.00 Reacher 0.00 523.00 Montydrum 38.00 509.00 Peter RS 37.00 501.00 Kloppite 23.00 498.00 Ohokaman 76.00 454.00 Pete Lane 38.00 447.40 Kilcoyne 37.00 427.60 Von Cettes 38.00 421.00 Richie 38.00 420.00 Floyd Pink 23.00 389.40 Hall 82.20 264.20 Black Kirrama 0.00 253.00 Jack 0.00 0.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Chestnut 82.20 1123.60 Scooby 23.00 1034.40 Blaird 23.00 752.40 Joan 23.00 644.00 Canterbury Man 0.00 622.40 Foxmerts 37.00 579.00 Maximus 164.40 565.40 Dogzstar 76.00 531.80 Insider 38.00 511.80 Lucasduke 0.00 498.40 Seakem 38.00 487.00 Koriokaramea 0.00 443.00 Arjay 0.00 437.00 Pak Star 0.00 408.00 Mr gee 23.00 372.00 Winner69 38.00 341.00 Ponderosa 0.00 333.40 Houlahan 38.00 329.00 Pure Steel 23.00 328.00 Alf 38.00 269.00 Seddon 46.00 206.00 Manfield 46.00 205.00 -
Gee whiz, the "B" graders were much better than the "A" graders. at least at the top of the tables.
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