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Expect a knighthood in future for John Allen. The bigger the damage the higher the honour.
Haven't watched this yet , and not sure I should , my TV might be at a high risk of getting something solid thrown at it . How can a man with so little of substance to say have so much say ?
This guy has been a recidivist user of the "Lazy Susan" of jobs for the suits . He has been a calamity everywhere he has been . Who needs a CV .
This is why very rare I have a go , because I think what's the point if the horse is going to sit 3 or 4 back on the fence hopefully get out in the last lap . Then try to make up ground on a 56 , 57 last half that's impossible . Instead of wasting time just have 1200m races only lol
I remember , as yourself and many others will , when Woodville had a 2 day meeting at the beginning of January every year , used to be their cup meeting . So what's changed ????
was up but taken down as slip was really bad apparently
why dont they put heat two Up?owners want to see why it was cancelled
So heat one is up at Taupo trials no issues why isn't heat two up so we can see the slip?
Failure in my books when at NZRB and the less said the better about his MFat departure The Officers of Parliament Committee has presented a report to the House recommending the appointment of John Richard Allen as Chief Ombudsman. Mr Allen is the Chancellor at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and chief executive of WellingtonNZ. He is a former chief executive of the New Zealand Racing Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the New Zealand Post Group. The Chief Ombudsman is an Officer of Parliament. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about administrative actions made at all levels of government in New Zealand – central, regional, and local. It also seeks to ensure that the public has proper access to official information. In its report, the Officers of Parliament Committee noted they received support from political parties for Mr Allen’s appointment and then resolved to recommend Mr Allen to the role. The outgoing Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, was first appointed Chief Ombudsman in December 2015, following a distinguished career as a Judge. In May 2020 he was reappointed for a second five-year term. As required by law, Mr Boshier resigned from the role on his 72nd birthday, 16 March 2024, but was asked to stay on until a replacement was found. The committee thanked Mr Boshier for his many years of public service and wished him all the best for his retirement. ENDS
By Harry Newshound · Posted
New York regulators are taking the initial steps to further relax the state's pari-mutuel coupling rules as part of an effort pushed by Thoroughbred tracks and horsemen and Thoroughbred breeding groups in the state.View the full article -
By blackcaviar56 · Posted
We aren't quickly becoming the laughing stock we have been saying this on here for at least the last 18months Nothing has changed these people are only accountable to themselves so nothings going to change. And as long as there pay's going in on pay day there cruising. -
Races/Trials- horse slips.Meeting abandoned. Report called for. Nothing changes.
By Hedley Jordan · Posted
Five years ago, the entire nation, near the entire world - was put under lockdown. Not for an influenza-like illness, but for something far more dangerous. We lived through a pandemic, yes - but not of a virus. This was a pandemic of media manipulation, government propaganda, corporate corruption and psychological warfare on humanity. And now, five years on, we have to ask…what have we actually learned? We’ve learned that they hold total control. That they can rewrite the rules of society overnight, based on “emergency powers” that were never legally binding, yet still somehow dictated every aspect of our lives. This wasn’t about public health - this was a global obedience test. A live experiment to see how quickly they could get people to comply, how easily neighbours could be turned against each other and how rapidly fear could be weaponised into control. We saw friends reporting each other for breaking rules that changed by the week. We watched as “key workers” were exalted, while others were shamed or discarded entirely. They restructured society into tiers of importance. They elevated some, silenced others and broke apart the very fabric of community. They purposely divided us…masked vs unmasked, jabbed vs unjabbed, compliant vs defiant. While they preached about unity, they embedded division into everything they did. And in the background, they passed protest laws that stripped away our fundamental human rights. They didn’t just remove freedoms, they acted as though we had to earn them back. Every rule they introduced was just another move in a prolonged psychological game of gaslighting and coercion. They played the public like puppets… “Eat Out to Help Out” one minute, locked inside again the next. Go out, spend money, support the economy - only to be blamed for the next “wave” and punished with tighter restrictions. It wasn’t public safety. It was a three-year training programme in emotional abuse and compliance. All the while, real lives were being lost in the most horrific, inhumane ways. People died alone in hospitals, without comfort or final goodbyes. Family members were denied the right to sit beside their dying loved ones. Care homes were locked down like prisons. And behind the scenes, the government authorised blanket Do Not Resuscitate orders - without consent, without discussion…sentencing tens of thousands of elderly people to death. Midazolam was pushed into the care system in bulk (a powerful sedative used to hasten the end) and those deaths were added straight to the Convid death count. They murdered our elderly while we were told to “protect the NHS”. “Protect Granny” was engrained in us by the very system that was being used to implement silent euthanasia…And while all this was happening, they did exactly what they liked. They had parties. They flew around the world. They sat shoulder to shoulder at wine and cheese gatherings. They laughed in our faces while we were told to stand on our doorsteps and clap. Behind the scenes, they handed out billion-pound contracts to their friends and donors. They made themselves richer than ever. FACT - The largest surge in people becoming billionaires in UK history happened during the Convid years While small businesses were shut down, families relied on food banks and mental health spiralled out of control, the elite class doubled their profits. They dangled Bounce Back Loans in front of struggling business owners, knowing full well the repayment terms and interest rates would destroy them later. It wasn’t support - it was bait….And as per usual, the banks cleaned up. Those contracts? Many were awarded to companies with zero experience - just the right political connections. PPE deals worth millions vanished into thin air. Some of the kit never arrived. Some of it was unusable. But the money was spent and no one was held accountable. They got away with daylight robbery, while the rest of the country struggled to breathe under the weight of restrictions. Test and trace cost £37 BILLION pounds of tax payers money, only to merely exist 3 years later… this was nothing short of money laundering. Then, let’s not forget the damage done to our children - the most innocent victims of all. Two years of stolen education. Playground tape. Zoom classrooms. Fear. Isolation. Confusion. A spike in youth mental health crises. A rise in self-harm, suicide and eating disorders. They say it was for their safety, but nothing about it was safe. It was trauma, inflicted by policy. This wasn’t just incompetence. This was narcissistic, state-sanctioned abuse. It was calculated. It was deliberate. It was control - and it was murder. Genocide. We must not forget. We must not “move on” like they want us to. We must not let them rewrite the narrative. Because next time - and there will be a next time - they’ll be faster. EMF towers are installed, you are sprayed with metals, most of you are full of self replicating RNA technology and nanotech. More efficient. More ruthless. Let this be the lesson…your government cannot be trusted. They will never be for the people. They will always be for themselves. They will use your empathy against you. They will use fear to control you. And they will smile while they do it. Never forget what they did. Author unknown -
Very logical but the old rule had its problems/issues as well re push out. i.e , outside driver to inside one, im not going that good do you wont out, no says other driver. I will next week if in same possie😃
By scooby3051 · Posted
And they now have had to transfer Woodville to Hawera as Woodville is at risk of being too firm...what an absolute joke, one of the best tracks around and sadly needed, why the hell they never put irrigation in there is beyond me...morons running the asylum unfortunately, but yet their costs to run the train wreck just grow and grow...hopeless and fast losing fait any semblance of a future. -
Just looked and they havent had a single winner in either Island since Champions Day. Some very expensive horses going round too including the 1.7m colt Hostility beaten fair and square on debut as $1.30 favourite - will be an interesting runner in the Sires Produce on Saturday
By scooby3051 · Posted
Geez now the trials cant even make it through the day... -
THERE IS NO CRISIS !!!!! NZTR theme song is Bobby Mcferron's "Don't Worry , Be Happy !".
By We're Doomed · Posted
We are quickly becoming a laughing stock. Still, massive stakes on offer so all good. We are going to see the depressing sight again on Saturday of massive stakes at Trentham and multiple group races in front of about 23 spectators.
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