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By scooby3051 · Posted
Haha sensitive we soul can give it out but dont like when its not the truth and you are shown up. -
Max is gobsmacked,. I absolutely agree. He was a National Party appointment to the TAB and obviously another Nat's appointment to the position of Ombudsman. Very similar to what Trump did to the Supreme Court in the USA. Politics fuckin stinks.
Matey, while I don't agree with everything Scooby says, your opinion seems "particularly young" [123 posts] to have vocalised such a strong opinion. I suggest that you sit back and observe, and then deliver. Just saying 😉
2 more for the update list: Oscar B - AllStars/Chris Ryder slot, and Leap to NZ (LTF) - Solid Earth PTY LTD slot; confirmed at last for their respective races 🤗 not many more now to fill.... Cheers Iraklis
Leo was smart and funny with his denegration, yours just make all of these threads longer. This site appears to be dying faster than nz racing, it is probably best to welcome these peoples opinions who you banter with on every thread. But what do I know. Back to my box
Max is gobsmacked that he is even being considered for Ombudsman after his dreadful tenures at NZ Post and NZTR.
By BackPoonDrinkGoon · Posted
Do you guys think the TAB will continue taking betting on aus greyhounds? Surely not right… but then again it seems so obvious that they will. -
All going well most of the races look like a foregone conclusion. 5 of the races look like they have certainties, ,the other two look like match races . Let's pick the card, you can go first.
Taupo trials had 120 plus horses entered today. Tauranga 2yo old race this Sunday has ONE nomination! Whats going on? Are the trainers too precious about their "strike rates" or something?? Imagine being an owner!
By tripple alliance · Posted
We have our own deep state who uses the courts , Trump is not alone . We have just uncovered an example of wasteful spending that demonstrates just how bloated, out-of-touch, and insidious Wellington has become. The Taxpayers' Union Research Team has just briefed me on their discovery that in the last two years alone, the Ministry for the Environment has funneled $3.8 million of taxpayer money to eco-activist groups. What that means is while voters elected a Government to be more 'pro growth', officials are secretly funding (with your money!) lobby groups whose purpose is to fight the elected government's policies in the courts. In fact, we've discovered that the groups include Forest & Bird and even the Environmental Defence Society (EDS). You couldn't make this up. At the same time, Forest & Bird were literally in Court judicially reviewing the Minister for the Environment against the consenting of coal mines, the Ministry for the Environment is shoving to the organisation your taxpayer money to undermine the Minister! This continues on -
Most strange. I am thrilled that overall the young caretaker has been exonerated.
None is so blind that they cannot see. Nomates, try looking in the mirror if you can actually see.
By tripple alliance · Posted
Here's a new version ex NZTR which states a soft spot ( HOLE ??) Following the Sunday 23 March abandonment at Tauherenikau Racecourse, New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR), the Club and NZSTI have been onsite, and have now received an initial report following NZSTI’s investigation The report outlines A deep hoofmark was clearly visible, with nothing similar observed in the vicinity. It appears that the horse’s hoof contacted a small, unusually soft spot and has penetrated much deeper than usual. Moisture readings and cores were taken at various points in the track, and they showed good consistency through the profile. Investigations around the deep hoof mark did not reveal any similar soft spots or voids and moisture levels in the vicinity of the hoof mark were 45% and consistent with the rest of the track. It appears the horse has scrambled to regain its footing after the deep hoof mark which has resulted in the slip. Further investigation of the area where the slipping occurred was also normal. NZTR is confident the track was presented well on race morning, with Jockeys and the RIB complimentary of the surface prior to the running of the first event. However, given the unusual nature of this abandonment, NZTR, the Regional Track Advisor and the Club have decided that further investigation is required The scheduled race meeting on 13 April will no longer be held at Tauherenikau and alternative venue information will be communicated in the coming days . The Club will complete a full investigation before performing a full, detailed renovation which had been scheduled to commence after the April 13 Raceday. -
Totally agree, a pure political broadcast and Winnie loved it, totally in control. Pure BS
By racingoutsider · Posted
True. Even though I agree with the Minister's response to that, Guerin didn't even question it? Why don't we have any decent journalists in racing any more? -
What a disappointing show, no pressure from Mick to do anything about the dogs getting canned just weird cheesy smirking,smiling, and lording each others company.
By CabooseKid · Posted
Hidden in a sentence from Darrin Balcombe is this public announcement around some recent goings-on at Trentham “We are also looking at the possibility of having an irrigation system at Woodville just to allow that track to cover off as well because we are going to have Hastings out for a little period and on the back of that a decision has got to be made on Trentham and what needs to be done there with the track and facilities.” Have been hoping that more details would soon be made public but understand (or hope) that constructive work on "option assessment" has been ongoing regarding renovations/replacements of track and stand? Infrastructure blues continue following Taupo abandonment -
By CabooseKid · Posted
There may be some new information here on Tauherenikau Tauherenikau Abandonment Investigation - NZTR
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