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They used Common Sense Time Practices and hands on Animal Husbandry knowledge together with knowledge about Pastoral management. There was also Legislation introduced back in the 1950s and The Environmental Modification Treaty Convention Agreement with UN in the 1970's that has been run roughshod over relating to Astronomy and Metrology and other Mad Men experiments that have messed up the plants weather and other systems that have disrupted Racing and day to day life. Ask oneself what has happened in the world where all the effectively Atomic Bomb type motions have happened and other idiocy in recent years that were previously laid to rest, and what sectors are not adhering to - they have also use a vast number of Chemicals that infiltrate Soils, Water and Animal systems which impacts on Animal welfare.
How many in NZ are using it to the same standard/level as Maher or Waller or is it just marketing bullshit from across the Tasman? I am sure that Ken and Bev don't have access to anything like that but they kicked ass today didn't they?
For those who may not be aware currently in the Employment Court in Auckland is the Air New Zealand Pilots and Crew Body Autonomy case relating to Pfizer and compulsory COVID vaccinations. It's unknown how many Air Crew lost jobs or have had adverse reactions. The Employment Court Hearing Continues on for the early part of this week. Open to the public to go along and learn from. Commences again on Monday 9.30am with closing submissions from parties involved in Wednesday. @Gruff @Breeder @Lee270744 and others
But back then nobody else had access to data either, so they didn't need it. Very few without it would beat those using such data today. In saying that though, she should have remained forever retired. They didn't need data for that.
Haha to the data. Did it come from the same systems as Professor Neil Ferguson COVID Calculations??? Data today is merely mining and sweet stuff all else but bits of fluff and stuff as it's Spin Doctoring to sell computer systems. Now what Data did Snow Lupton use with Kiwi? Casio? Rolex or a simple Round the Neck or Wrist wind up watch and a hands on approach? Smart Man that Snow Lupton. Bart Cummings and many others didn't win races using such a system as Data Mining I bet.
While past times were better times in many respects meomy, it's no good New Zealand living in the past and being the only first-world nation attempting to do so. No good can come from that at all. We already have one political party who would take us back to the stone age given half a chance. You'll need a Time Machine to go back to the unspecified time period you long for.
Exactly, now how many Tracks operate in Singapore? New Zealand has followed Singapore in other areas of life as some of you will recall, only to be a failure. Just because Singapore is an Island and part of the Commonwealth doesn't mean we have to be identical to them as we are both unique countries in our own ways. Crikey, and didn't Chris Bayliss head up there? We have to ask, Did he have any behind the scenes roles in the shutting down of Racing there in light of similarities happening here within Racing and Financial Sector??? Did he also attend a Conference related to do with AML in USA, from recall LA around 18 months ago that another now Retired CEO , JG of Heartland Bank attended? Birds of a feather flock together. There's some people who have failed to learn Lessons of the Past and why the Spread and Systems were put in place in the first place, that of the Inherent Rights of all people of this country wherever they live, country, country, city or dare we say it The Cemetery - and some of our many Racing Forebearers must be turning in there graves in deep sadness at what has been insidiously carried out to the detriment of this once incredible stable country and it's inclusion of others participating in the Racing Sector. There is negative flow on impacts with Job career choices for future generations because there won't be a need for so many Vets, Jockeys, Trainers, Scribes, Fashion and Jewelry, Broadcasting and others in it. We all need to encourage everyone to speak up There's a general concern in the wider community about the state of the New Zealand situation and failings of professional standards including within Governance. It's time for a serious Reset and those who created these destructive effects on our wider sector been held to account regardless of which country they have escaped to to evade accountability for screwing up this country's previous peace and harmony and Quality of Life.
And so good to see her trainer, Ken Kelso, not being tempted to run her again over there. Coming home for a well earned rest.
Absolutely. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t start in Sydney. Of course there will have to be a jockey change cos it was all his fault.
She has had enough . Put her in the paddock for good ffs
Congrats Joan for winning our pool, we both make it for another week. 😁
By say no more · Posted
Reacher, Peter RS and Pheroz fill out the top 3 places in the A group. The top 8 in that group (highlighted in blue) move directly to the Grand Final in two weeks time and get a bye next week. The bottom 8 in the A group and the top 4 in the B group, ie. everyone from Sayer down to Pete should come back next week for a final chance to progress to the Grand Final. Those in red - from Kilcoyne down have been eliminated. Thanks for taking part. -
By tripple alliance · Posted
I watched Joanne Moss interview after her horse won the last , where did the name come from ? well she explained Docter Askar is a doctor in Hamilton who saved her sons life so the horse is named after him , I thought what a great story most peoples lives have twists and turns and this story has had a great ending , good luck Joanne and your family . Another horse won today Zackery and I think one of race cafes participants owns a part of it so congrats on your win . -
By say no more · Posted
Play-offs week 2 - Flemington R8 - Final race # Name Jockey/Driver/Trainer Win Place 1 Light Infantry Man Ethan Brown 9.50 2.80 9 Deny Knowledge Craig Williams 2.60 8 Zardozi Jamie Melham 1.50 Bet Type Runners Dividend Quinella 1,9 52.30 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Reacher 41.00 475.00 Peter RS 30.00 302.00 Pheroz 0.00 288.20 Majestic 15.00 283.00 Pegasus 30.00 251.60 Gubellini 30.00 245.00 Ohokaman 0.00 231.60 Montydrum 30.00 227.00 Sayer 26.00 203.00 Say No More 60.00 188.00 Al Feilding 30.00 181.00 Aaron 30.00 179.00 Kiwignome 0.00 175.00 Jayar 15.00 173.60 Basil Brush 82.00 162.00 Kloppite 30.00 126.00 NAME LATEST RACE TOTAL Joan 0.00 370.00 Blaird 123.00 365.00 Floyd Pink 138.00 358.00 Pete Lane 123.00 351.00 Kilcoyne 123.00 338.00 Black Kirrama 0.00 280.60 Richie 0.00 261.00 Jack 0.00 232.00 Hall 0.00 194.00 Chestnut 30.00 173.00 Scooby 30.00 144.00 -
By We're Doomed · Posted
Yes, never looked like being beaten. Been a while since we had a sprinting filly like her. -
I was intending to attend this Friday night, but emailed both the club and the ticketing agency last Sunday to enquire about mobility parking and a couple of other simple-to-answer questions, and despite emailing them again late in the week (l also copied in every contact listed on their website) they are yet to reply. A pathetic response - as in no response - and I'm so disappointed in their attitude. Maybe an older demographic that can't walk as well as they once could doesn't really interest them - I'm no twenty-something piss-head any more that racing seems so keen on - but basically a week with no response despite two emails? That's just rude.
They still have some similar styles of other Dog Breed Racing here in New Zealand @stodge, including an Annual Jack Russell Race and other local Dog Breeds having regular races throughout the year. The difference at a guess is also to do with the fact with Greyhound Racing it involves "Betting". Some people in Society, including those who have instigated any Banning of anything in life really need to understand Jurisprudence and step into the shoes of others and how they would feel of they were stripped naked of their chosen Livelihoods and ask how they would feel if the show was on the other foot. That includes Politicians and if they had their children's choices in life stolen from them with no recourse Alas our Legal systems provide for Recourse and Status Quo too.
Exactly, and the Races were always part of every Community in New Zealand's Rural and City Geographical locations. Rural regions including the likes of Thames, The Aroha, Takapuna and scattered right across of ALL the wider New Zealand each had 2 racedays in a day after each other up until the imbeciles who did a Race goers survey in the late 1990's munted up the systems with weird feedback, likely from Once a Year City Racegoers saying they don't stay in Auckland to attend The Races which has messed up the whole Economy involving the sector. It would be helpful if some of you Resourceful people dragged forth copies of those earlier surveys and wrote to all your Local Councils and Politicians and reached out to those in Rural locations where they once had a Local Pony Club also operating on there Local Racecourses as that's where future generation participants are. We need to Nurture our local children back into our Old School Traditional Apprenticeships Instead of kicking the locals in the teeth. It's not been fair on any of those younger generations to be deprived of the wholesome life us longer in the teeth ones have been blessed to have partaken in. I'm sure a few of you still also have A copy of Racing Calendars from pre 2004 which are a useful Guide to use as a Template for a Proactive approach.
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